Personalidad - Pretentious
Domina los modismos ingleses relacionados con la pretensión, como "la mascota del profesor" y "pies de barro".
Tarjetas de memoria
used to refer to someone who is trying their best to prove that they are more intelligent compared to others, often in a way that is annoying

sabelotodo, listillo

someone who is considered the teacher's favorite student and therefore has advantage over others in the classroom

el favorito del profesor, la mascota del profesor

used for saying that someone may appear threatening or aggressive, but their actions or behavior are not as harmful or severe as their words
used to describe a person who behaves in a very traditional and morally conservative manner
someone who is very strict and thinks in a very traditional way

Señora Grundy, persona estricta

used to describe someone who continuously talks about what they are planning to do, but they never do or achieve much
a person who insists on giving advice about something even though they are not forced to do so

conductor de asiento trasero, pasajero entrometido

a person who tries to gain the approval of important people by the means of flattery, praise, etc.

lisonjero, adulador

used to describe a person who tends to say things that sound intimidating when in reality they are afraid to take action
to praise one's own abilities or accomplishments, often in an exaggerated way

echarse flores
an individual who consistently seeks to appear more clever than others in a manner that can be bothersome

listillo, sabelotodo

a person who tries hard to let others know that they always do the right thing and behave well