
Personalidad - Rasgos desagradables

Descubra cómo modismos ingleses como "pieza de trabajo" y "pescado frío" se relacionan con rasgos desagradables en inglés.




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English idioms related to Personality
(as) cross as two sticks

used to refer to an extremely angry or impatient person

extremadamente enojado

extremadamente enojado

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penny wise and pound foolish

used to describe someone who is extra careful about spending little amounts of money but has no problem with spending large amounts

rotten egg

a person who has a tendency to behave badly and cause trouble for others

persona problemática

persona problemática

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cold fish

someone who does not express emotions and is considered unfriendly



piece of work

used to refer to someone who is extremely unpleasant and overall a difficult person to deal with

persona con la que no es fácil tratar

persona con la que no es fácil tratar

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(as) cold as (any) stone

used to refer to someone who is extremely unsympathetic and does not express strong emotions

persona impasible

persona impasible

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dog in the manger

someone who selfishly prevents others from using or enjoying something that they themselves have no use for

alguien que desperdicia algo para sí mismo y para los demás

alguien que desperdicia algo para sí mismo y para los demás

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off one's rocker

in a state affected with madness or insanity

estado de locura

estado de locura

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(as) nutty as a fruitcake

(of a person) crazy or exhibiting odd behavior

Persona loca

Persona loca

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loose cannon

a person who has lost their sanity, often momentarily

alguien que está peligrosamente fuera de control

alguien que está peligrosamente fuera de control

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all one's geese are swans

used to refer to someone who always thinks or talks in a way that is exaggerated and not based on reality

siendo optimista

siendo optimista

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(as) cunning as a fox

used to refer to someone who tends to achieve things in a clever way, particularly by deceiving other people

muy astuto

muy astuto

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(as) slippery as an eel

used to refer to a deceitful and untrustworthy person who cannot be easily caught or exposed

inteligente y astuto

inteligente y astuto

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(as) phony as a three-dollar bill

not true, real, or genuine



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bats in the belfry

an unconventional or unique behavior that is often considered crazy, risky, or confusing

Persona loca

Persona loca

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(as) mad as a hatter

used to refer to someone who is in a very chaotic state of mind and is behaving very abnormally

Persona loca

Persona loca

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to blow hot and cold

to keep changing one’s attitude toward someone or something

ser veleta

ser veleta

the nature of the beast

the inherent characteristics or qualities of a particular situation, person, or thing, often referring to traits that are difficult to change or control

parte integral de algo

parte integral de algo

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holier than the Pope

so extreme and strict in one's adherence to a set of rules, norms, behaviors, etc. that it exeeds what is considered usual

estricto en reglas o normas

estricto en reglas o normas

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bad egg

someone who is not considered honest, trustworthy, or a good person in general

persona poco confiable

persona poco confiable

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out of one's mind

(of a person) extremely unreasonable, or mentally ill

Persona loca

Persona loca

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waste of skin

a person who is considered to be completely worthless or useless and is viewed as a burden or waste of space

persona sin valor

persona sin valor

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(as) quick as a dog can lick a dish

used to refer to the act of doing something as fast as one can

haciendo algo muy rápido

haciendo algo muy rápido

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behind the times

(of a person) not keeping up with current trends, ideas, or advancements

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