
Personalidad - Fuerte y confiado

Explore modismos en inglés que se relacionan con ser fuerte y seguro con ejemplos como "nervios de acero" y "tener estómago para".




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English idioms related to Personality
out of one's shell

used to refer to someone who has become more comfortable or confident in conversing with people

to have the stomach for sth

to be determined or courageous enough to do something dangerous or risky

ser valiente y atrevido

ser valiente y atrevido

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to have the heart

to have the necessary will, courage, etc. to get something done

haciendo algo valiente

haciendo algo valiente

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to have the guts

to have the necessary conviction or be brave enough to get something done

siendo muy atrevido y valiente

siendo muy atrevido y valiente

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willing horse

an individual who is willing and ready to work

alguien que esté listo para trabajar

alguien que esté listo para trabajar

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eager beaver

an energetic and eager individual who is willing to work hard



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(as) keen as mustard

used to refer to a person with a very high level of enthusiasm

persona muy entusiasta

persona muy entusiasta

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(as) hard as nails

a tough person who is not easily affected by emotions

persona resiliente

persona resiliente

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to have broad shoulders

to be competent enough to handle a variety of responsibilities or demanding tasks

siendo muy responsable

siendo muy responsable

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to stand on one's own (two) feet

to be able to take care of oneself without needing any assistance from others

ser capaz de cuidarse a uno mismo

ser capaz de cuidarse a uno mismo

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lone wolf

someone who likes being alone and does things without asking for help

alguien es mejor haciendo las cosas solo

alguien es mejor haciendo las cosas solo

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free spirit

a person who lives life independently and not according to the norms or customs of the society

espíritu libre

espíritu libre

nerves of steel

one's ability to remain calm in the face of danger or difficulties

alguien que es capaz de mantener la calma en situaciones tensas

alguien que es capaz de mantener la calma en situaciones tensas

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a man among men

a male individual who is exceptional or noteworthy when compared with other men

hombre ideal

hombre ideal

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(as) patient as Job

used to describe someone who is extremely calm and tolerant

persona muy paciente

persona muy paciente

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lean and mean

used to describe someone who is ready and willing to try their best in order to get something done

persona lista y capaz

persona lista y capaz

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(as) bold as brass

used to describe a person who is annoyingly confident

alguien que es molestamente arrogante

alguien que es molestamente arrogante

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(as) cool as a cucumber

used to describe someone who is not worried at all in challenging or stressful situations

alguien que está tranquilo en situaciones tensas

alguien que está tranquilo en situaciones tensas

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(as) calm as a toad in the sun

used to describe a person who manages to stay calm in the most intense situations

persona muy relajada

persona muy relajada

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(as) tough as (old) boots

(of a person) not easily broken, weakened, or defeated

persona muy fuerte y resistente

persona muy fuerte y resistente

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(as) stubborn as a mule

used to describe someone who refuses to change their opinion or chosen course of action

persona muy testaruda

persona muy testaruda

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tough cookie

a person who is strong, resilient, and determined, often in the face of challenging circumstances

persona muy resistente

persona muy resistente

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