Influencia e Involucramiento - teniendo un efecto
Descubra cómo modismos en inglés como "tomar un peaje" y "tocar una nota" se relacionan con tener un efecto en inglés.
Tarjetas de memoria
to experience a lot of problems, setbacks, damages, etc., as a result of something
to have a severe negative effect on someone or something, in a way that lasts for a long time
to perform actions or engage in behavior that is beneficial, helpful, or morally upright, often with the intention of making a positive impact on others or the world
to have an influence on how someone behaves, particularly by making them seem too important or proud
(of a process or action) to have two opposite effects, particularly a good and a bad one
a person who causes trouble for others in a group and has a bad influence on them

mala gente
a situation where one problem brings about another and that only worsens the original problem

círculo vicioso, espiral viciosa

to feel or experience something intensely, particularly an emotion or sensation
(of two things) to be closely connected to one another, particularly in a way that one of them causes the occurrence of another
an action or series of things that cause several other events to happen one after another

efecto dominó
to fail to have an influence or effect, particularly in changing someone's opinion about something opinion or decision
rare or unusual cases that confirm the validity or effectiveness of a commonly accepted general principle or practice
a brief or sudden instance or occurrence of something particular, whether positive or negative
to end the influence or control that someone or something has over another person