500 فعل رایج انگلیسی - 376 - 400 فعل برتر
در اینجا قسمت 16 از لیست رایج ترین افعال در زبان انگلیسی مانند "شکل دادن"، "جریان" و "استراحت" در اختیار شما قرار می گیرد.
املای کلمه
to do a particular thing or have the qualities needed for being punished or rewarded

سزاوار بودن, لایق بودن
to strongly disagree with a policy, plan, idea, etc. and try to prevent or change it

مخالفت کردن
to move smoothly and continuously in one direction, especially in a current or stream

جریان داشتن, جاری شدن
to stop working, moving, or doing an activity for a period of time and sit or lie down to relax

استراحت کردن
to speak loudly, often associated with expressing anger or when you cannot hear what the other person is saying

داد زدن, فریاد زدن
to hit a door, surface, etc. in a way to attract attention, especially expecting it to be opened

زدن (بر در و...)
(often used in negative or question form) to be upset, offended, or bothered by something

ناراحت شدن, آزار دیدن
to follow someone or something by examining the marks they leave behind in order to catch them or know what they are doing

ردیابی کردن, رد گرفتن
to express that there are signs or clues that suggest a particular idea or conclusion

دال بر چیزی بودن, نشانه چیزی بودن
to communicate with others, particularly while spending time with them

تعامل داشتن, ارتباط برقرار کردن