حروف ندا - تداخل تایید و امداد
زمانی که گوینده می خواهد نشان دهد از چیزی راضی است یا تایید می کند، یا از اینکه اتفاقی افتاده احساس آرامش می کند، از این الفاظ استفاده می شود.
املای کلمه
used to express pleasure or satisfaction related to taste, often in response to something delicious or appetizing
mmm, خوشمزه
used to express surprise, admiration, or approval in a laid-back and informal manner
عالی!, فوقالعاده!
used to express approval, satisfaction, or admiration for something perceived as orderly or impressive
عالی!, خوب!
used to express strong approval, enthusiasm, excitement, or agreement
البته!, آره!
used to express approval, admiration, or acknowledgment for something noteworthy, impressive, or unexpected
این چیزی است!, این واقعاً شگفتانگیز است!
used to express enthusiasm or approval, often in response to good news or a positive outcome
used to express admiration, satisfaction, or approval for something that is considered exceptional
بوسهٔ سرآشپز, بوسهٔ شیفر
used to express approval, satisfaction, or enthusiasm for something that is effective, impressive, or just right
این همونه!, عالیه!
said to express admiration for or agreement with what someone has just said
گل گفتی
used to acknowledge an attempt, even if it was unsuccessful or not entirely convincing
تلاش خوبی بود!, محاولة خوبی بود!
used to express relief or the release of tension after experiencing stress, anxiety, or physical exertion
افسوس, اوف
used to express relief or exhaustion, often after a difficult or challenging situation