जुड़ने और अलग करने के क्रियाएँ - पृथक्करण के लिए क्रिया
यहां आप अलगाव को संदर्भित करने वाली कुछ अंग्रेजी क्रियाएं सीखेंगे जैसे "अलग करना", "विभाजित करना" और "हटाना"।
समीक्षा करें
to deliberately keep someone or something at a certain emotional or figurative distance
to cause something or a group of things or people to divide into smaller parts or groups
to take apart or disassemble a structure, machine, or object, breaking it down into its individual parts
to disassemble or separate into its individual components or parts
to take apart a structure, machine, or object, breaking it down into its individual pieces
to divide something into two equal parts
दो भागों में बाँटना,विभाजित करना
to divide into two or more separate paths or divisions
अ branches करना,विशाखा करना
to split something into two distinct parts
बिफर्केट करना,दो भागों में विभाजित करना
to take something out from something else, particularly when it is not easy to do
to separate and group one thing apart from another based on specific criteria
to isolate a person or animal for a specific period due to illness, suspicion of illness, or to prevent the potential spread of a disease