Könyv: Four Corners 4 - 3. egység C lecke
Itt megtalálja a Four Corners 4 tankönyv 3. fejezetének C leckéjének szókészletét, például „nyájas”, „textúra”, „rágós” stb.
to combine two or more distinct substances or elements to form a unified whole

keverni, vegyszerel

having a strong taste that gives your mouth a pleasant burning feeling

csípős, fűszeres

the way that a certain type of food feels in one's mouth, whether it is hard, smooth, etc.

textúra, konzisztencia

(of food) requiring to be chewed a lot in order to be swallowed easily

rágós, nehezen rágós

firm and making a crisp sound when pressed, stepped on, or chewed

ropogós, ropogós ízű

(of something in solid form) to turn into liquid form by being subjected to heat

olvad, megolvaszt

used to show that something continues or lasts up to a specific point in time and often not happening or existing after that time

-ig, amíg

used to express that something happens at the same time or right after another thing

mihelyt, egyszer

a substance or material used in making a dish, product, or mixture

összetevő, alkotóelem