C1 Szintű Szólista - Movies
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót a filmekről, mint például a "moviegoer", "lead", "climax" stb. C1-es tanulóknak készült.
someone who manages a theater company and also acts in their plays
színész-igazgató, színésznő-igazgató
someone who is in charge of the artistic features, such as props and costumes of a movie or play
művészeti vezető, művészeti igazgató
someone whose job is to help an actor get dressed for a play or is in charge of their costumes
jelmeztervező, öltöztető
an actor who plays the main role in a play or movie
főszereplő, főszerep
someone who, on a regular basis, goes to the cinema
mozikedvelő, filmbarát
the film industry of India, based in the city of Mumbai
Bollywood, az indiai filmes ipar
a well-known street in New York City where many theaters are located, which is considered the center of theater industry in the US
Broadway, Broadway utca
a movie, TV program, etc. that is based on a book or play
adaptáció, filmadaptáció
a piece of painted cloth that is hung at the back of a theater stage as part of the scenery
háttérkép, színpadi háttér
the process of assigning roles and parts to actors or performers in a movie, play, etc.
casting, választás
the script and written instructions used in producing a motion picture
forgatókönyv, szkript
the most significant moment in a story, play, movie, etc. with a high dramatic suspense
csúcspont, tetőpont
a detailed and tightly framed photograph or film shot of a subject at close range
közelkép, nagyított kép
to turn a book, story, or an event into a movie or play
dramatizálni, színpadra állítani
to change the original language of a movie or TV show into another language
szinkronizálni, dublálni
to explain the events taking place in a movie, documentary, etc. as part of the program itself
elmondani, narrálni
to play the role of a character in a movie, play, etc.
eljátszani, ábrázolni
a long movie full of adventure that could be about a historical event
eposz, epikus film
a full-length movie that has a story
játékfilm, teljes hosszúságú film
a large lamp that produces a powerful beam of light used for lighting areas such as sports grounds or the outside of buildings
áramfény, reflektor
a device used for making images or videos appear on a screen, wall, or other flat surfaces
a representation that an actor or a performer gives of an artistic or musical piece that shows their understanding and feeling toward it
értelmezés, előadás
the first public screening or performance of a movie or play
a lamp that produces a very strong beam of light that can be cast on someone or something, particularly a person on stage
reflektor, színpadi világítás
the part of a theater that is out of the audience's sight where performers can change their clothes
háttér, színfalak mögött
related or belonging to the theater or acting
színházi, drámai
used to wish a person good luck, particularly before their performance
a large space at the entrance of a hotel or theater where people can wait or meet
előcsarnok, foyer