
食べ物と飲み物の準備 - 化学的調理法










Words Related to Food and Drink Preparation
to brine

to soak food in a solution of water and salt, often to preserve or flavor it

塩水に浸す, マリネする

塩水に浸す, マリネする

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to dry

to remove moisture from something, such as food or flowers, to preserve it, typically by exposing them to air, heat, or both

乾かす, 干す

乾かす, 干す

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to ferment

to trigger a process where microorganisms break down sugars in a substance, often creating alcohol or acids

発酵させる, 醸す

発酵させる, 醸す

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to marinate

to soak food in a seasoned liquid, typically containing oil, vinegar, herbs, and spices, to enhance its flavor and softness before cooking

マリネする, 漬け込む

マリネする, 漬け込む

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to salt

to preserve food by applying salt to prevent spoilage

塩漬けにする, 塩を振る

塩漬けにする, 塩を振る

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to sour

to make something taste tangy or tart by adding acid or letting it ferment

酸っぱくする, 発酵させる

酸っぱくする, 発酵させる

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to sprout

(of a seed or plant) to begin growing

芽生える, 成長する

芽生える, 成長する

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to sugar

to use sugar or a sweetener, to add a sweet taste to something

砂糖を加える, 甘くする

砂糖を加える, 甘くする

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to acidulate

to add something that makes a food or drink slightly sour or tangy

酸味を加える, 酸性にする

酸味を加える, 酸性にする

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the process of breaking down starch molecules into sugar



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to bard

to wrap meat with strips of fat, such as bacon or lard, to add moisture and flavor during cooking

バードする, 脂肪を巻く

バードする, 脂肪を巻く

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carryover cooking

the phenomenon where food continues to cook even after it has been removed from the heat source due to residual heat retained within the food itself

余熱調理, 持続的調理

余熱調理, 持続的調理

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a machine used in chocolate making to refine and smooth the texture and flavor of chocolate



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to curdle

to cause or undergo the separation of a liquid, often milk, into solid curds

凝固させる, カードル

凝固させる, カードル

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to cure

to preserve or flavor food by treating it with salt, sugar, or spices

治療する, 保存する

治療する, 保存する

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to emulsify

to mix substances together so that they become a smooth and stable blend

エマルジョン化する, 混合する

エマルジョン化する, 混合する

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to foam

to cause a liquid to form foam or bubbles by agitating or stirring it vigorously

泡立てる, フォームする

泡立てる, フォームする

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to can

to preserve food by sealing it in an airtight container, typically made of metal, through sterilization and vacuum sealing

缶詰にする, 保存する

缶詰にする, 保存する

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to frost

to spread or coat a cake or baked goods with a layer of sweet, often creamy, topping

覆う, デコレーションする

覆う, デコレーションする

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to homogenize

to break fat globules into smaller particles to prevent separation

均質化する, エマルジョン化する

均質化する, エマルジョン化する

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to macerate

to soften or break down food by soaking it in a liquid, often a flavored liquid like wine or vinegar

マセレートする, 漬け込む

マセレートする, 漬け込む

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to marinade

to leave food in a seasoned liquid, typically containing oil, vinegar, herbs, and spices, to enhance its flavor and tenderness before cooking

マリネする, 漬け込む

マリネする, 漬け込む

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to pasteurize

to heat a liquid, like milk or juice, to kill harmful bacteria while preserving its taste and nutrients

殺菌する, パスツール処理する

殺菌する, パスツール処理する

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to reconstitute

to restore something to its original state, often by adding liquid or other ingredients to bring it back to its original form or condition

再構成する, 復元する

再構成する, 復元する

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to chill

to cool or refrigerate food or beverages to a lower temperature

冷やす, チルする

冷やす, チルする

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to doctor

to adjust or modify food or a dish, typically by adding or changing ingredients or flavors

調整する, 変更する

調整する, 変更する

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to enrich

to add nutrients, flavors, or other ingredients to food to enhance its nutritional value, taste, or texture

豊かにする, 改善する

豊かにする, 改善する

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to flavor

to improve or change the taste of a dish by adding spices, vegetables, etc. to it

味付けする, 風味を加える

味付けする, 風味を加える

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to fortify

to add vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients to food or beverages to increase their nutritional content

栄養を加える, 強化する

栄養を加える, 強化する

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to grease

to apply a layer of grease or fat onto a surface, usually to prevent sticking or to provide lubrication

油を塗る, グリースを塗る

油を塗る, グリースを塗る

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to ice

to put something on frozen water

凍らせる, 冷やす

凍らせる, 冷やす

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to leaven

to add a substance, such as yeast, to dough or batter, causing it to rise and become lighter during the baking process

発酵させる, 膨らませる

発酵させる, 膨らませる

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to thaw

to make something melt or soften

解凍する, 柔らかくする

解凍する, 柔らかくする

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a cooking technique where fish is coated in flour, sautéed in butter, and served with a sauce made of the butter, lemon juice, and parsley



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