Trabalho e Dinheiro - Preço e dinheiro
Mergulhe nas expressões idiomáticas inglesas em relação a preço e dinheiro, como “quebrar o banco” e “red cent”.
chicken feed
an extremely small amount of money

uma quantia irrisória, um montante insignificante

bang for one's buck
the value a person gains in exchange for the amount of money they spend or the effort they make
white elephant
a thing that is of no value or use because it is excessively expensive to keep it in a good condition

elefante branco, custo elevado e sem valor

to be a steal
(of something available for sale) to be much cheaper than its usual or expected price
to price oneself out of the market
to sell one's services or goods at such a high and unreasonable price that people refuse to buy them

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