
Lavoro e Denaro - Prezzo e Denaro

Immergiti negli idiomi inglesi riguardanti prezzo e denaro, come "break the bank" e "red cent".







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English idioms related to Work & Money
chicken feed

an extremely small amount of money

una piccola somma di denaro

una piccola somma di denaro

red cent

an amount of money that is extremely small

soldo bucato

soldo bucato

small fortune

money in large amounts

piccola fortuna

piccola fortuna

for a song

at a price that is extremely low

per una canzone

per una canzone

dirt cheap

costing very little

molto economico

molto economico

cheap and cheerful

having a low price and a satisfactory quality

economico e allegro

economico e allegro

to suit every pocket

to be affordable by many

alla portata di tutti

alla portata di tutti

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bang for one's buck

the value a person gains in exchange for the amount of money they spend or the effort they make

valore in cambio dei vostri soldi

valore in cambio dei vostri soldi

rich for one's blood

too fancy or costly for someone

ricco per il proprio sangue

ricco per il proprio sangue

white elephant

a thing that is of no value or use because it is excessively expensive to keep it in a good condition

cattedrale nel deserto

cattedrale nel deserto

an arm and (a) leg

a large sum of money

grande somma di denaro

grande somma di denaro

at a price

with a very high price

per un prezzo

per un prezzo

to break the bank

to financially ruin one due to having a very high cost

rompere la banca

rompere la banca

highway robbery

an act of overcharging

un prezzo esorbitante

un prezzo esorbitante

to up the ante

to increase the price of something

alzare la posta

alzare la posta

over the odds

(of a price tag) much more than what is considered normal or fair

molto costoso

molto costoso

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a pretty penny

a large amount of money

prezzo esorbitante

prezzo esorbitante

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to be a steal

(of something available for sale) to be much cheaper than its usual or expected price

estremamente economico

estremamente economico

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to price oneself out of the market

to sell one's services or goods at such a high and unreasonable price that people refuse to buy them

vendere qualcosa a un prezzo molto alto

vendere qualcosa a un prezzo molto alto

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to see the color of one's money

to make sure that someone can pay for something before doing business with them

assicurarsi di avere abbastanza soldi

assicurarsi di avere abbastanza soldi

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