Muncă și Bani - Preț și bani
Scufundați-vă în idiomuri englezești referitoare la preț și bani, cum ar fi „break the bank” și „red cent”.
Fișe de studiu
an extremely small amount of money
o sumă derizorie, bani de nimic
an amount of money that is extremely small
un ban roșu, o sumă infimă
money in large amounts
o mică avere, o sumă considerabilă de bani
the value a person gains in exchange for the amount of money they spend or the effort they make
a thing that is of no value or use because it is excessively expensive to keep it in a good condition
elefant alb, cumpărarea costisitoare și inutilă
an act of overcharging
jaful de pe autostradă, înșelătorie
(of a price tag) much more than what is considered normal or fair
(of something available for sale) to be much cheaper than its usual or expected price
to sell one's services or goods at such a high and unreasonable price that people refuse to buy them
to make sure that someone can pay for something before doing business with them