
Comportament și Abordare - Reacționează sau solicită

Explorați idiomuri englezești care se referă la reacția sau la solicitarea, inclusiv „citește-mi buzele” și „fai o plimbare”.




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English idioms related to Behavior & Approach
get a life

used to tell someone to change their life style and start doing more exciting or important things

incearca sa te bucuri putin de viata

incearca sa te bucuri putin de viata

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to put a sock in it

to tell a person to stop making noise or stop talking, especially if they are being loud or annoying



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beat it

used to tell someone to leave immediately

dispari din fata mea

dispari din fata mea

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break a leg

used to wish a person good luck, particularly before their performance



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come off it

used to tell someone that they should stop saying or doing a particular thing



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cry me a river

used to tell a whining person that one does not care

cut the crap

used to tell a person to stop talking about unimportant or incorrect things

nu mai vorbiți despre lucruri fără sens

nu mai vorbiți despre lucruri fără sens

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give it a rest

used to tell a person to stop doing something or talking about a certain subject that is annoying one

nu mai vorbi despre asta

nu mai vorbi despre asta

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give me a break

used to show one's disbelief or disagreement about what someone has just said

Eu nu te cred

Eu nu te cred

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go hang oneself

used to show one's indifference toward one's actions or mood

du-te dracu

du-te dracu

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go to the Devil

used to tell a person to go and leave one alone

lasă-mă în pace

lasă-mă în pace

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hold my beer

used humorously when one is about to attempt to do something foolish or dangerous, often to showoff or outdo someone

se spune când cineva are de gând să facă ceva periculos

se spune când cineva are de gând să facă ceva periculos

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kiss my ass

used to show one's disregard or lack of respect for someone or something

du-te dracu

du-te dracu

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no you don't

used to express one's desire to stop someone from doing something

nu, nu

nu, nu

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none of one's lip

used to tell someone to stop talking



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read my lips

used to ask a person to pay attention to one's words and believe them

asculta bine

asculta bine

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say it, do not spray it

used to tell someone to not spit when they are talking

se spune cuiva care scuipă când vorbește

se spune cuiva care scuipă când vorbește

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scratch that

used to tell someone to ignore or disregard something that was just said

uita ce am spus

uita ce am spus

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spit it out

used when urging a person to quickly say the thing they seem embarrassed or frightened to share

take a hike

used to tell someone to stop bothering one and leave one alone

lasă-mă în pace

lasă-mă în pace

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take a walk

to go away and leave a person alone

lasă-mă în pace

lasă-mă în pace

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take it easy

used to tell someone to take care of themselves when saying goodbye to each other

Aveţi grijă de dumneavoastră!

Aveţi grijă de dumneavoastră!

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