Academic IELTS (Banda 5 și Mai Jos) - History
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză legate de istorie care sunt necesare pentru examenul IELTS Academic de bază.
Fișe de studiu
a period of one thousand years, usually calculated from the year of the birth of Jesus Christ


a list of events arranged in the order of their occurance

cronologie, linie temporală

an event or happening, especially a violent, unusual or important one

incident, eveniment

(in the Middle Ages) a man of high social rank, wearing armor and riding a horse, who is loyal to his king

cavaler, luptător

a story involving the ancient history of a people, usually about heroes and supernatural events that could be unreal


a war in which many countries fight against each other

război mondial, conflict global

the war that took place from the year 1914 to 1918 between the allies and the central powers

Primul Război Mondial, Marea Război

the war that took place from the year 1939 to 1945 between the axis and the allies

Al Doilea Război Mondial, Al Doilea Război Mondial

a man-made object, tool, weapon, etc. that was created in the past and holds historical or cultural significance

artefact, obiect istoric