Ordförråd för IELTS (Akademisk) - Lagen
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord om lagen, som "judge", "charge", "judicial" etc. som behövs för IELTS-examen.
a legal professional who is qualified and licensed to advocate on the behalf of clients in both lower and higher courts, primarily in Britain

advokat, jurist

a person in a law court who is sued by someone else or is accused of committing a crime

svarande, åtalad

a group of twelve citizens, who listen to the details of a case in the court of law in order to decide the guiltiness or innocence of a defendant

jury, juryn

(in the UK) a lawyer who is entitled to give legal advice, prepare legal documents for contracts and defend people in lower courts of law

advokat, jurist

to try to charge someone officially with a crime in a court as the lawyer of the accuser

åtal, väcka åtal

a legal process where a judge and jury examine evidence in court to decide if the accused is guilty

rättegång, domstolsprocess

to state in a court of law, in front of the judge and the jury, whether someone is guilty or not guilty of a crime

vädja, plädera

to officially decide and declare in a law court that someone is not guilty of a crime


(law) the permission for a prisoner to leave prison before the end of their imprisonment sentence, on the condition of good conduct

villkorlig frigivning, övervakad frigivning

to officially state the punishment of someone found guilty in a court of law

döma, sätta straff

an official decision made by the jury in a court after the legal proceedings

verdict, dom

to help someone to restore to a healthy and independent state after a period of imprisonment, addiction, illness, etc.

rehabilitera, återintegrera

having custody of someone or connected with the legal right to look after them

vårdnadshavande, förvarings-

unpaid work done either as a form of punishment by a criminal or as a voluntary service by a citizen

samhällstjänst, gemenskapstjänst

the physical punishment of people, especially of children or convicts

kroppslig bestraffning

a thing that reduces the chances of someone doing something because it makes them aware of its difficulties or consequences

avskräckande medel, avskräckare

(of a person) tolerant, flexible, or relaxed in enforcing rules or standards, often forgiving and understanding toward others

lindrig, tolerant

a formal declaration by which someone is found guilty of a crime in a court of law

fällande dom, dömning

belonging or appropriate for a court, a judge, or the administration of justice

rättslig, domstol