Приготування Їжі та Напоїв - Механічні способи приготування
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з механічними методами приготування, наприклад «жульєн», «млин» і «суміш».
to blend or process food quickly and thoroughly in a blender, food processor, or similar appliance until smooth or finely chopped

змішувати, збивати

to remove the bones from meat, fish, or poultry, often to make it easier to cook or eat

обезкостити, видаляти кістки

to spread a smooth, creamy substance on something, usually using a knife

намазати маслом, помазати маслом

a technique in which herbs or leafy vegetables are finely sliced or shredded into thin, ribbon-like strips

шифонад, нарізка у вигляді стрічок

to trim or cut off excess fat, gristle, or other undesirable portions from meat or poultry before cooking

обрізати, чистити

to remove the central part from a fruit, vegetable, or similar item

виймати серцевину, очищати від серцевини

to prepare vegetables or fruits, especially tomatoes, by removing the seeds, peeling, and cutting them into big pieces

конкасувати, нарізати великими шматками

to cut something into small, equal, square-shaped pieces

нарізати кубиками, квадратувати

to flavor food with a mix of spices commonly used in Indian cuisines

приправити, додати спецій

to remove seeds from fruits, vegetables, or other foods

вичавлювати насіння, видаляти насіння

a flattened piece of dough used as a base for various baked goods or pastries

пласт тіста, лист тіста

to coat or cover food, typically with flour or breadcrumbs, before cooking

панірувати, обвалювати

to add seasonings, sauces, or other toppings to enhance the flavor or appearance of food

заправити, приправити

to pour a thin, fine stream of liquid, such as sauce, oil, or syrup, over food

полити, забризкувати

a mixture of beaten eggs and liquid used to brush onto the surface of dough or other baked goods before baking

яєчна глазур, яєчна суміш

to prepare or cut a piece of meat or fish into boneless, flat pieces, typically removing bones in the process

філе, філійка

to break or separate into small, thin pieces, usually using a fork or fingers

кришити, лущити

to gently mix one ingredient into another by lifting and turning the mixture with a spatula or spoon

додавати обережно, обертати

to slice food, typically vegetables, into long, thin strips or ribbons

різати, нарізати тонкими смугами

to remove the internal organs or intestines, typically from an animal, often for food preparation

випатрати, потрошити

to prepare meat by cutting or separating it at the natural points of articulation, often in preparation for cooking

розділяти, нарізати

to extract liquid from fruits, vegetables, or other sources, typically by pressing or squeezing

вичавлювати, віджимати

to cut food, especially vegetables, into thin, matchstick-sized strips

нашаткувати, порізати соломкою

to grind or crush something, especially grains or other materials, using a mechanical device or equipment

молоти, розмелювати

to cut meat or other food into very small pieces, usually using a meat grinder or a sharp knife

подрібнити, нарізати

to combine two or more distinct substances or elements to form a unified whole

змішувати, поєднувати

to peel or strip away the outer layer of a fruit, vegetable, or other foods

очистити, зняти кору

to sprinkle or season food with ground pepper or peppercorns to add flavor and spice

перчити, приправляти

to create decorative patterns or designs by forcing a semi-solid mixture, such as whipped cream or dough, through a nozzle or pastry bag with a specific shape

викладати, трубити

to pull out the feathers of a dead bird in order to prepare it for cooking

випатрати, ощипувати

to remove peas or beans from their outer covering, typically as part of food preparation

вичавлювати, очищати

to hastily create a meal, typically using whatever ingredients are available

приготувати на швидку руку, експромтом приготувати страву

to add salt to food or another substance in order to enhance its flavor

солити, приправляти

to adjust or modify something according to a specific rate, standard, or size

масштабувати, регулювати

to mix an egg yolk with its egg whites and then cook it, usually with milk or butter

збивати, перемішувати

to remove a thin layer or small amount of something from a surface using a sharp or rough edge

скоблити, зішкребти

to remove the outer covering from something, often to access what is inside

зняти шкаралупу, очистити

to remove the outer covering or shell from corn, oysters, or other similar foods

засипати, очищати

to pass a powdered substance through a sieve or fine mesh to remove lumps or impurities

просіювати, сито

to remove a substance, such as foam or fat, from the surface of a liquid or object, typically by gently scooping or brushing it off

знімати, скрібти

to add spices or flavorful ingredients to a dish to give it more flavor

додати спецій, підфарбувати

to move a spoon, etc. around in a liquid or other substance to completely mix it

to remove the seeds from fruits, such as cherries or peaches

видаляти кісточки, обробляти

to fill meat or vegetables with a mixture of different ingredients

фарширувати, начиняти

to make meat softer and easier to eat or cut by breaking down the fibers, typically through pounding or marinating it

пом'якшити , зволожити

to remove the tops and tails or ends of something, such as trimming the stems and leaves from vegetables
to mix or combine ingredients by gently lifting and turning them in a bowl or pan

перемішувати, змішувати

to prepare a bird for cooking by securing its wings and legs close to its body

зав'язати, прижимати

to mix ingredients with a wire whisk or fork in cooking or baking to achieve a specific texture

збивати, мішати