
Từ Vựng Nâng Cao cho TOEFL - Luật

Tại đây bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh về luật, chẳng hạn như “article”, “waiver”, “acquit”, v.v. cần thiết cho kỳ thi TOEFL.


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Advanced Words Needed for TOEFL
court of appeals

in the US, a court of law that makes decisions regarding cases in which the lower court's judgment is contested

tòa phúc thẩm

tòa phúc thẩm

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a person who appeals in a higher court against a decision made in a lower court

thượng tố

thượng tố

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a paragraph or clause in a legal agreement or document that is separate from others and deals with something particular

bất định

bất định

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an additional part of a legal document

mục con

mục con

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a legal document from a court or another legal authority that instructs someone on what to do or not to do



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a written statement affirmed by oath that can be used as evidence in court

lời khai

lời khai

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an order issued by a judge that authorizes the police to take specific actions

lệnh pháp lý

lệnh pháp lý

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a person who brings a lawsuit against someone else in a court

nguyên cáo

nguyên cáo

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a lawyer who specializes in bringing a lawsuit against people or organizations in a court of law

luật sư tư pháp

luật sư tư pháp

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an official agreement that puts an end to a dispute

hiệp định chính thức

hiệp định chính thức

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an official statement according to which one gives up their legal right or claim

người bỏ

người bỏ

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to nullify

to legally invalidate an agreement, decision, etc.

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to sanction

to officially approve of something such as an action, change, practice, etc.

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to enforce

to ensure that a law or rule is followed

thực thi một quy tắc

thực thi một quy tắc

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[Động từ]
to issue

to release an official document such as a statement, warrant, etc.

vấn đề

vấn đề

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[Động từ]
to acquit

to officially decide and declare in a law court that someone is not guilty of a crime

tha bổng ai đó

tha bổng ai đó

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to pardon

to discharge a criminal from the legal consequences of a conviction or violation

ân xá

ân xá

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to decree

to make an official judgment, decision, or order

chỉ huy

chỉ huy

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the process of bringing someone to court in an attempt to prove their guilt

sự kiện người nào

sự kiện người nào

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the part of a country's government that administers the legal system, including all its judges

bộ máy tư pháp

bộ máy tư pháp

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to infringe

to violate someone's rights or property

làm trái luật

làm trái luật

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to overturn

to reverse, abolish, or invalidate something, especially a legal decision

lật ngửa

lật ngửa

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to void

to announce that something is no longer legally valid or binding

trống rỗng

trống rỗng

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a formal declaration by which someone is found guilty of a crime in a court of law

lòng tin chắc

lòng tin chắc

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a formal accusation of a crime

buộc tội

buộc tội

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the act of making something legally acceptable and the declaration of it

sự cho phép

sự cho phép

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the process of bringing a lawsuit to a court in order to obtain a judgment

mối tranh chấp

mối tranh chấp

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to outlaw

to officially state that something is illegal

ngoài vòng pháp luật

ngoài vòng pháp luật

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to legislate

to create or bring laws into effect through a formal process

làm luật

làm luật

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an official authorized to conduct particular legal formalities, especially to make documents legally acceptable

công chứng viên

công chứng viên

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the fact that something is in accordance with the law

do pháp luật định

do pháp luật định

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to interrogate

to question someone in an aggressive way for a long time in order to get information

chất vấn

chất vấn

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a legal professional who is qualified and licensed to advocate on the behalf of clients in both lower and higher courts, primarily in Britain

trạng sư

trạng sư

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to adjudicate

to make a formal decision or judgment about who is right in an argument or dispute

xét xử một vấn đề

xét xử một vấn đề

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