
Sách Interchange - Trung cấp - Bài 4 - Phần 3

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Đơn vị 4 - Phần 3 trong giáo trình Trung cấp trao đổi, chẳng hạn như "kết hợp", "xác thịt", "thích nghi", v.v.


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Interchange - Intermediate
to scoop out

hollow out with a scoop

múc ra

múc ra

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[Động từ]

the soft part of the body of an animal, between the skin and bones



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[Danh từ]

an object with a handle and three or four sharp points that we use for picking up and eating food

cái chĩa

cái chĩa

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[Danh từ]
to squeeze

to force liquid out of something by firmly twisting or pressing it



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[Động từ]
to combine

to mix in order to make a single unit

liên minh

liên minh

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[Động từ]

any of the constituents that are added to a compound or mixture in order to make it, such as the foods in a meal

nguyên tố

nguyên tố

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[Danh từ]

an Italian food made with thin flat round bread, baked with a topping of tomatoes and cheese, usually with meat, fish, or vegetables

bánh pizza

bánh pizza

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[Danh từ]

people in general, considered as an extensive and organized group sharing the same laws

[Danh từ]
to grow

to become greater in size, amount, number, or quality

tăng lên (về kích thước, số lượng...)

tăng lên (về kích thước, số lượng...)

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[Động từ]

a specific course of action that is performed in order to accomplish a certain objective

cách in bản điều sắc

cách in bản điều sắc

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[Danh từ]

an understanding of or information about a subject after studying and experiencing it

biết tường tận

biết tường tận

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[Danh từ]
to fit

to be of the right size or shape for someone

đúng kích cỡ

đúng kích cỡ

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[Động từ]

related or belonging to a particular area or place that someone lives in or mentions

địa phương

địa phương

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[Tính từ]

in a manner that achieves what is desired or expected

thành công

thành công

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[Trạng từ]
to recognize

to know who a person or what an object is, because we have heard, seen, etc. them before

nhận ra ai đó hoặc một cái gì đó

nhận ra ai đó hoặc một cái gì đó

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[Động từ]
to appear

to become visible and noticeable

xuất hiện ở đâu đó

xuất hiện ở đâu đó

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[Động từ]

someone whose job is baking and selling bread and cakes

thợ làm bánh mì

thợ làm bánh mì

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[Danh từ]
royal family

royal persons collectively

gia đình hoàng gia

gia đình hoàng gia

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[Danh từ]
to name after

to give someone or something a name in honor or in memory of another person or thing

đặt tên cái gì theo tên ai đó

đặt tên cái gì theo tên ai đó

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[Động từ]
to adapt

to become fit for a new purpose or situation

[Động từ]

the act of travelling between two or more places, especially when there is a long distance between them

chặng đường đi

chặng đường đi

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[Danh từ]

receiving a lot of love and attention from many people

phổ biến

phổ biến

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[Tính từ]
to discover

to be the first person who finds something or someplace that others did not know about

khám phá điều gì đó

khám phá điều gì đó

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[Động từ]

extremely great or large

đáng kinh ngạc

đáng kinh ngạc

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[Tính từ]

a type of nut that could be eaten, growing underground in a thin shell

củ lạc

củ lạc

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[Danh từ]

a country considered as a group of people that share the same history, language, etc., and are ruled by the same government

chung lịch sử

chung lịch sử

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[Danh từ]

a sea creature with eight, long arms and a soft round body with no internal shell

bạch tuộc

bạch tuộc

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[Danh từ]

a type of Italian food made from a sea creature called squid, which is cooked with garlic, tomatoes, and white wine, and is usually eaten with pasta or bread

con mực ma dùng làm mồi

con mực ma dùng làm mồi

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[Danh từ]

a type of plant that grows in or near the sea

loài rong

loài rong

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[Danh từ]

a layer of food that is spread over the top of a dish to make it taste or look better

lớp mặt trên của bánh

lớp mặt trên của bánh

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[Danh từ]

a large Australian animal with a long tail and two strong legs that moves by leaping, female of which can carry its babies in its stomach pocket which is called a pouch

giống đại thừ ở úc châu

giống đại thừ ở úc châu

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[Danh từ]

a large reptile with very big jaws, sharp teeth, short legs, and a hard skin and long tail that lives in rivers and lakes in warmer regions

cá sấu

cá sấu

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[Danh từ]

a sweet yellow fruit with a thin skin that grows in hot areas

trái xoài

trái xoài

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[Danh từ]

the state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people

sự tín nhiệm của dân

sự tín nhiệm của dân

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[Danh từ]

being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics

có liên quan

có liên quan

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[Tính từ]

a small cut of a larger portion such as a piece of cake, pizza, etc.

lát thức ăn

lát thức ăn

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