
Vztahy - Nevěra nebo nedostatek závazků

Ponořte se do anglických idiomů týkajících se nevěry nebo nedostatku závazku, jako je „zlatokopka“ a „krysa lásky“.







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English idioms related to Relationships
love rat

someone, especially a man, who cheats on their partner with another person

chtivý člověk

chtivý člověk

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cupboard love

love that is fake, dishonest, and motivated by the hopes of gaining something

falešná láska

falešná láska

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gold digger

a person, typically a woman, who enters into a romantic relationship with someone solely for financial gain

někdo, kdo vstupuje do vztahu pro peníze

někdo, kdo vstupuje do vztahu pro peníze

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to have a roving eye

to frequently look at other people, often in a romantic or sexual way, despite being in a committed relationship

mít toulavé oko

mít toulavé oko

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puppy love

a young person's strong, yet brief feeling of love toward someone

prchavá láska

prchavá láska

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footloose and fancy-free

free to do as one pleases without having any attachments, particularly romantic ones

bez romantických vazeb a pout

bez romantických vazeb a pout

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to get to first base with sb

to reach a stage of intimacy in one's relationship by kissing one's partner on the lips

líbat někoho na rty

líbat někoho na rty

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to kiss and tell

to reveal private or intimate details about a romantic or sexual relationship with someone, especially without the consent of the other person involved

Polib a řekni

Polib a řekni

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love nest

a private, often secret, place where two people in a romantic relationship spend time together without anyone disturbing them

romantický hangout

romantický hangout

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backdoor man

a man who has an intimate relationship with a woman who is already in a committed relationship or marriage, often without the knowledge of the partner

muž, který má poměr s vdanou ženou

muž, který má poměr s vdanou ženou

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ladies' man

a man who is very charming, attractive, and popular among women, often having many romantic relationships

okouzlující muž

okouzlující muž

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take a cold shower

used to advise someone to calm down and regain control after experiencing sexual excitement

Ovládej se

Ovládej se

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