
Arquitectura y Construcción - Características ornamentales en la arquitectura

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Words Related to Architecture and Construction

a narrow piece of plaster, wood, or other material, used as decoration along the top of a wall, around a door, etc.




a method of carving a decorative pattern in a piece of wood, stone, etc. in a way that it stands out the surface




a narrow and decorative border that has engravings or pictures on it, especially above the walls of a room or building

friso, fresco

friso, fresco


a decorative element in the shape of a stylized flower, often used as an ornament or embellishment in architecture and design

roseta, roseta

roseta, roseta

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a decorative frame or panel, typically in the shape of an oval or rectangle, used to showcase inscriptions, symbols, or decorative motifs, commonly found in Egyptian and Renaissance architecture

cartucho, marco decorativo

cartucho, marco decorativo

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an ornamental border made of plaster or wood, often used around the top of a wall where it meets the ceiling




decorative motifs or patterns characterized by flowing, curving lines resembling scrolls or spirals, often used to adorn architectural elements such as friezes, moldings, and ironwork

trabajo de scroll, motivo en espiral

trabajo de scroll, motivo en espiral

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a small balcony or railing-like structure typically found on the upper level of a building, often ornamental in nature and providing a decorative accent to the façade

balconcito, balcón pequeño

balconcito, balcón pequeño

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a decorative technique used in architecture, particularly on exterior surfaces, involving the application of ornamental plasterwork or stucco to create intricate patterns, designs, or reliefs

revoque decorativo, estuco ornamental

revoque decorativo, estuco ornamental

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decorative designs that are cut into metal, wood, etc.




a decorative arch or arc-shaped molding often found above doorways or windows in architecture, symbolizing honor or achievement

accolade, arco decorativo

accolade, arco decorativo

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a small circular ornament or molding, resembling a ring, used in architectural design for decorative purposes

anuleta, anillo decorativo

anuleta, anillo decorativo

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a decorative molding or band that spans the curved underside of an arch, often adorned with intricate sculptural or ornamental details



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decorative elements used in medieval architecture, especially in Romanesque designs

billete, banda decorativa

billete, banda decorativa

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a decorative architectural element or motif consisting of five rounded lobes or petals arranged in a symmetrical design, resembling a five-leafed clover or flower

cinquefoil, Cinco-hojas

cinquefoil, Cinco-hojas

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a decorative horizontal band or molding on a building's exterior

cordón, moldura

cordón, moldura

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a small projecting ornament, often in the form of a leaf or a bud, used to decorate the edges or angles of architectural elements such as spires, pinnacles, or gables

crocket, ornamento

crocket, ornamento

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the presence of a pointed or cusped feature, typically seen in architectural elements such as arches, tracery, or ornamental designs

cuspidación, ingerencia de cuspide

cuspidación, ingerencia de cuspide

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a small, rectangular-shaped block or tooth-like projection used as a decorative element in the molding or cornice of a building

dintel, denticulo

dintel, denticulo

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a small, pointed, tooth-like ornament often used in architectural detailing, characterized by its sharp, triangular shape resembling the tooth of a dog

diente de perro, ornamento en forma de diente

diente de perro, ornamento en forma de diente

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a decorative element placed at the top or end of an architectural feature or object

adelanto, ornamento

adelanto, ornamento

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a series of vertical grooves or shallow concave channels that are often found on columns, pilasters, or other architectural elements

canelura, fluteado

canelura, fluteado

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a long, narrow cut or indentation, often linear in shape, that is typically found on surfaces such as columns, moldings, or panels in architectural design

ranura, surco

ranura, surco

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a decorative architectural element positioned at the front of a building, often serving as an entrance or decorative feature

frontispicio, elemento decorativo

frontispicio, elemento decorativo

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a sunken decorative panel, typically square or rectangular in shape, that is used to adorn ceilings, domes, or vaults in architecture

cajón, cápsula

cajón, cápsula

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a small, rectangular or cone-shaped decorative element typically found on the underside of the triglyphs in a Doric frieze

gota, gutta

gota, gutta

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a decorative motif consisting of a continuous line that forms a repeated pattern of right angles or Greek key-like shapes

meandro, motivo en meandro

meandro, motivo en meandro

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a decorative hanging ornament or pendant-shaped element that is suspended from a ceiling or structure

colgante, pendiente

colgante, pendiente

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a decorative element or motif consisting of four overlapping circles or lobes that form a symmetrical shape resembling a four-leaf clover

cuatrefoil, cuatro hojas

cuatrefoil, cuatro hojas

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a decorative motif in architecture and design that consists of interlacing or overlapping bands or straps, often in a geometric or scrolling pattern

strapwork, motivo entrelazado

strapwork, motivo entrelazado

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a decorative motif or pattern resembling the shape or design of the ancient strigil tool

estrígil, motivo estrígil

estrígil, motivo estrígil

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a decorative molding or edging characterized by a series of small, rounded or elongated shapes resembling beads, often used to add detail and visual interest to surfaces or edges

perlas decorativas, moldura de perlitas

perlas decorativas, moldura de perlitas

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a decorative molding or profile that consists of a semi-circular shape or a series of small beads, often used to create a decorative border or separation between two surfaces

astragalo, moldura

astragalo, moldura

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a raised, projecting molding or frame with a distinctive profile, often used around doors, windows, or paneling to create a decorative and three-dimensional effect on the surface

moldura saliente, moldura proyectante

moldura saliente, moldura proyectante

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a rounded, narrow decorative molding or profile that resembles a small, continuous bead or cylinder

bisel, bolla

bisel, bolla

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a projecting or ornamental feature resembling the beak of a bird, typically found at the end or corner of a roof, canopy, or gable

pico, mirador

pico, mirador

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bed molding

a type of molding that is typically used at the junction between a wall and a ceiling or between different architectural elements

moldura de cama, moldura de cornisa

moldura de cama, moldura de cornisa

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a concave molding or profile with a curved shape, resembling a segment of a circle



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a rounded molding with a convex quarter-circle cross-section, used as a decorative element to add elegance and visual appeal to various architectural features

óvalo, moldura ovolo

óvalo, moldura ovolo

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a replica, copy, or reproduction of a decorative element or architectural detail, often created for restoration or preservation purposes



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a decorative motif or molding consisting of convex, rounded, or scalloped shapes that are typically repeated in a regular pattern

gadroon, motivo escamado

gadroon, motivo escamado

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a small, recessed detail or groove used to create a visual transition or decorative element between different architectural features

receso, muesca

receso, muesca

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a small, dome-like or vaulted structure, often used as a decorative element or as a covering for a specific area

cúpula, calota

cúpula, calota

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a slender architectural element used for decorative or functional purposes on building facades, typically made of metal, wood, or stone

moldura, barra

moldura, barra

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decorative ornamental elements, such as finials or small sculptures, often found along the ridge or top edge of a roof or wall, adding visual interest and architectural detail

cresta decorativa, ornamento de remate

cresta decorativa, ornamento de remate

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terminal figure

a sculpted or decorative element that is placed at the end or termination point of a structure, such as a column, pilaster, or balustrade

figura terminal, elemento terminal

figura terminal, elemento terminal

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a decorative molding or trim used in interior design and woodworking

architrabe, moldura superior

architrabe, moldura superior

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a circular or oval decorative element used in architecture and design to add ornamental detail, often featuring intricate patterns or symbols

medallón, medallón decorativo

medallón, medallón decorativo

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a decorative element or motif resembling a cushion or pillow, often used to adorn the bases or capitals of columns, pilasters, or other architectural features

cojín decorativo, motivo de cojín

cojín decorativo, motivo de cojín

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ornamental plasterwork

the art of using plaster to create intricate and decorative designs, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of architectural interiors

yeso ornamental, estuco decorativo

yeso ornamental, estuco decorativo

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a decorative structure, often made of fabric or richly adorned materials, supported by columns or suspended from the ceiling, used to cover or highlight an important object or area, such as an altar or a throne

baldachin, dosel

baldachin, dosel

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a decorative band or molding found at the top of a column, typically serving as a transition between the shaft and the capital

cuello, moldura superior

cuello, moldura superior

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a board made of stone, wood, etc. with writings on it, attached to a building to honor an important person or event




a groove or recessed groove-like feature, often found on columns, moldings, or other architectural elements, adding decorative or functional detail to the surface

ranura, canal

ranura, canal

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a decorative vertical groove or rib, often found on columns, pilasters, or other architectural elements, resembling the stem of a reed plant and providing visual interest and texture to the surface

canelura, estría

canelura, estría

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a long, narrow groove or linear marking, often found on surfaces such as walls or columns, adding texture or decorative detailing to the architectural element

estría, grieta

estría, grieta

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a decorative motif commonly used in architecture, characterized by the stylized representation of the leaves of the acanthus plant



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a concave or curved profile or molding used as a transitional element between different parts of a building or between different architectural features

congés, curva

congés, curva

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a concave, curved molding that gradually decreases in diameter from top to bottom, often used for decorative purposes on columns and other architectural elements

escocia, moldura escocesa

escocia, moldura escocesa

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a spiral or scroll-like architectural ornament, typically found at the top of a column capital, staircase railing, or decorative molding



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a decorative molding or curved section that is typically installed along the meeting point of a wall and ceiling to add aesthetic appeal and create a smooth transition

coving, moldura curva

coving, moldura curva

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a narrow, rounded, or beveled strip or molding that is used to create a transition or decorative edge between two surfaces, such as at the meeting of walls and ceilings or at the corners of architectural elements

filete, resalte

filete, resalte

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the final, crowning stone or element placed at the top of a structure, often symbolizing completion or achievement

piedra angular, piedra de remate

piedra angular, piedra de remate

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a curved or rounded projection, such as the front surface of a molding or the rounded part of a cornice

saliente, proyección

saliente, proyección

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