El libro English File - Avanzado - Lección 4B
Aquí encontrará el vocabulario de la Lección 4B del libro de texto English File Advanced, como "rattle", "slurp", "gemido", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
to make a low and continuous humming or vibrating sound, like the sound of a bee or a motor

zumbir, vibrar

to make a loud, sudden noise, like thunder or waves breaking

estrellar, hacer un ruido fuerte

to make a harsh, high-pitched sound when something rubs against or moves against another surface that is rough or rusty

to make a sharp, prolonged sound, usually produced by forcing air through the mouth

silbar, bufar

to make a rapid succession of short, sharp noises, typically by shaking or striking something

agitar, retumbar

to make a loud, deep, continuous, and powerful sound, usually with a low pitch

rugir, tronar

to make a loud, harsh, piercing sound, like that of tires sliding on pavement

chirriar, gritar

to eat or drink noisily by inhaling a liquid or soft food, such as soup or noodles, often with a distinctive, impolite sound

sorber, chupar

to breathe in through the nose audibly to clear mucus or other substances from the nasal passages and prevent a runny nose

to produce a noise that is created by something hitting or moving through water

salpicar, chapotear

to lightly strike or hit a surface repeatedly, producing a series of short, sharp sounds

tocar, golpear

to make a repetitive, light, clicking sound, like that of a clock or a machine

tictaquear, marcar

to make a high-pitched sound by forcing air out through one's partly closed lips

to laugh in a light, silly, or often uncontrollable way as a result of nervousness or embarrassment

reírse tontamente
to make a deep, low sound, typically expressing pain, despair, or disapproval

gemir, quejarse

to speak in a low or unclear voice, often so that the words are difficult to understand

murmurar, balbucear

to release a long deep audible breath, to express one's sadness, tiredness, etc.

to cry loudly while making repeated, short gasping sounds, often due to intense emotions such as sadness or grief

sollozar, llorar