Peligro - Muerte
Explore modismos en inglés relacionados con la muerte, incluidos "morder el polvo" y "un pie en la tumba".
Tarjetas de memoria
(of a person, animal, or plant) certainly not alive or in existence any longer
undoubtedly no longer alive or in existence
definitivamente muerto
to die before a person retires from their job
morir antes de jubilarse
the state of being close to death due to old age or a fatal sickness
estar con un pie en la sepultura
to put the body of a person who has died in a tomb or grave during a funeral
enterrar a alguien
to complete one's unfinished business, such as clearing debts, etc., especially because one is about to die
ocuparse de asuntos pendientes (antes de la muerte)
to be in a very dangerous situation that one may face death at any moment
cerca del fracaso inevitable
used to describe someone who is about to die
a las puertas de la muerte
to be expected to die soon because of a serious illness, terrible accident, etc.
alguien de quien no se espera que viva mucho
(of a large number of people or animals) to die or get sick rapidly
cuando mucha gente muere
to die, often after a long life or struggle
cuando alguien muere en la vejez