Interjecciones - Interjecciones de irritación
Estas interjecciones se utilizan cuando el hablante quiere expresar sentimientos de enojo e irritación hacia alguien o algo.
Tarjetas de memoria
used to express annoyance, frustration, or exasperation
Por el amor de Dios
used to show one's anger, surprise, or frustration
¡santo cielo!
used to express frustration, annoyance, or anger
¡maldita sea!
used to express intense frustration, anger, or annoyance
¡Maldita sea!
used to show that one is angry, annoyed, or astonished
¡Por el amor de Dios!
used to express strong emotions such as anger, frustration, or disbelief
used to express intense horror, shock, or exasperation
¡Santo cielo!
used to convey disbelief, frustration, or astonishment
used to express annoyance, frustration, or disappointment
used to express disappointment or frustration when someone has failed to help
¡Gracias por nada!
used to say that a specific action or event has pushed a situation to a point where it is no longer bearable or has become extremely serious
¡Eso es suficiente!
used to express that a certain action or event has caused a situation to become intolerable or reach a critical point
¡Eso fue todo!
used to emphasize that something is final, absolute, or non-negotiable