Interjecții - Interjecții de iritare
Aceste interjecții sunt folosite atunci când vorbitorul dorește să exprime sentimente de furie și iritare față de cineva sau ceva.
Fișe de studiu
used to express annoyance, frustration, or exasperation
Pentru Dumnezeu, Pentru ceruri
used to show one's anger, surprise, or frustration
Doamne!, Ce naiba!
used to express intense frustration, anger, or annoyance
Naiba!, Căcat!
used to show that one is angry, annoyed, or astonished
Pentru numele lui Dumnezeu!, Cum poate fi așa!
used to express strong emotions such as anger, frustration, or disbelief
Măi!, Să mi se ia!
used to express intense horror, shock, or exasperation
Doamne!, Sfinte Dumnezeule!
used to express annoyance, frustration, or disappointment
Uf!, Ce naiba!
used to express disappointment or frustration when someone has failed to help
Mersi de nimic!, Mersi că nu ai ajutat!
used to say that a specific action or event has pushed a situation to a point where it is no longer bearable or has become extremely serious
Ajunge!, Suficient!
used to express that a certain action or event has caused a situation to become intolerable or reach a critical point
Asta a fost!, Aceasta a fost ultima picătură!
used to emphasize that something is final, absolute, or non-negotiable
punct, gata