
کتاب 'هدوی' پیشرفته - واحد 3

در اینجا واژگان واحد 3 را در کتاب دوره پیشرفته Headway پیدا خواهید کرد، مانند "have it rough"، "affluent"، "live down"، و غیره.






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شروع یادگیری
Headway - Advanced
to move up

to move to a higher place

بالا رفتن

بالا رفتن

to sit up

to change one's position from a lying or reclining position into an upright one



to curl up

to position one's body like a ball with one's arms and legs placed close to one's body while sitting

زانوی غم بغل گرفتن

زانوی غم بغل گرفتن

to look down on

to regard someone or something as inferior or unworthy of respect or consideration

از بالا به کسی نگاه کردن (استعاری)

از بالا به کسی نگاه کردن (استعاری)

to lie down

to put one's body in a flat position in order to sleep or rest

دراز کشیدن

دراز کشیدن

to turn up

to turn a switch on a device so that it makes more sound, heat, etc.

زیاد کردن (صدا، دما و...)

زیاد کردن (صدا، دما و...)

to save up

to set money or resources aside for future use

پول جمع کردن

پول جمع کردن

to speed up

to become faster

سرعت گرفتن

سرعت گرفتن

to quiet down

to become silent or less noisy

ساکت شدن

ساکت شدن

to cut down

to reduce the amount, size, or number of something

کاهش دادن

کاهش دادن

to slow down

to move with a lower speed or rate of movement

آهسته‌تر شدن

آهسته‌تر شدن

to trade

to buy and sell or exchange items of value

خریدوفروش کردن

خریدوفروش کردن

to dress up

to wear formal clothes for a special occasion or event

لباس رسمی پوشیدن

لباس رسمی پوشیدن

to dumb down

to simplify or reduce the intellectual content of something in order to make it more accessible or appealing to a wider audience

ساده بیان کردن

ساده بیان کردن

to dress down

to dress in a more casual or informal manner than usual, often for a specific occasion or to conform to a dress code

لباس غیررسمی پوشیدن

لباس غیررسمی پوشیدن

to set up

to establish a fresh entity, such as a company, system, or organization

برپا کردن

برپا کردن

to fire up

to make someone excited, enthusiastic, or motivated, often for a particular purpose or activity

تحریک کردن

تحریک کردن

to boot up

to start a computer or other electronic device and load its operating system into memory for use

روشن کردن (رایانه)

روشن کردن (رایانه)

to stand down

to willingly step back from a position or authority, and allow someone else to take over

استعفا دادن

استعفا دادن

to break down

(of a machine or vehicle) to stop working as a result of a malfunction

خراب شدن

خراب شدن

to shut down

to make something stop working

خاموش کردن

خاموش کردن

to wind up

to bring something to a conclusion or resolution, often in a way that was unexpected or unplanned

خاتمه دادن

خاتمه دادن

to buy up

to buy the whole supply of something such as tickets, stocks, goods, etc.

تمام چیزی را خریدن

تمام چیزی را خریدن

to use up

to entirely consume a resource, leaving none remaining

کامل مصرف کردن

کامل مصرف کردن

to pin down

to clarify a particular detail or aspect after precise investigation

تعیین کردن

تعیین کردن

to settle down

to find a place to live and embrace a more stable and routine way of life

مستقر شدن

مستقر شدن

to live down

to move past a negative reputation, embarrassing situation, or mistake by demonstrating better behavior over time

خاطره ناخوشایندی را فراموش کردن

خاطره ناخوشایندی را فراموش کردن

to grow up

to change from being a child into an adult little by little

بزرگ شدن

بزرگ شدن

to wake up

to no longer be asleep

بیدار شدن

بیدار شدن

to run down

to use up all of one's energy, especially to the point of stopping or ceasing to function

از پا افتادن

از پا افتادن

to speak up

to speak in a louder voice

بلندتر حرف زدن

بلندتر حرف زدن

to lighten up

to make a space or environment become brighter and less gloomy, by adding more light sources or using lighter colors and materials

فضا را روشن کردن

فضا را روشن کردن

to calm down

to become less angry, upset, or worried

آرام شدن

آرام شدن

to give up

to stop trying when faced with failures or difficulties

تسلیم شدن

تسلیم شدن

to let down

to lower something that was previously raised or suspended

پایین بردن

پایین بردن


having enough money to cover one's expenses and maintain a desirable lifestyle




a time of little economic activity and high unemployment, which lasts for a long time

رکود اقتصادی

رکود اقتصادی


costing a lot of money, more than the necessary or affordable amount

بسیار گران

بسیار گران


possessing a great amount of riches and material goods



to man up

to show courage and strength in a difficult situation

شجاعانه عمل کردن

شجاعانه عمل کردن


(of a person) displaying a childish behavior due to being treated very well or having been given everything they desired in the past



to play up

to make something seem more important or noticeable by highlighting it

بزرگنمایی کردن

بزرگنمایی کردن


owning a great amount of money or things that cost a lot




a state of discomfort or pain




rich and financially successful

موفق (از نظر مالی)

موفق (از نظر مالی)


not boasting about one's abilities, achievements, or belongings




the sum of money that is available to a person, an organization, etc. for a particular purpose and the plan according to which it will be spent




exercising caution and thoughtfulness in financial decisions to avoid wasteful or unnecessary expenses



to fall on hard times

to experience a period of financial or personal difficulty

دست‌تنگ بودن

دست‌تنگ بودن

from rags to riches

used to refer to the action of rising from the depth of poverty to the highest of riches

از فرش به عرش

از فرش به عرش

to make a fortune

to accumulate a large amount of wealth or money through one's own efforts, often through business ventures or investments

ثروت جمع کردن

ثروت جمع کردن

to have it rough

to experience difficulties or challenges in life, often over a prolonged period of time

(در زندگی) سختی زیادی کشیدن

(در زندگی) سختی زیادی کشیدن

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