Interakciók - Visszaélés és manipuláció
Fedezze fel, hogy az olyan angol kifejezések, mint a „load the dice” és a „fall into a trap” hogyan kapcsolódnak a visszaélésekhez és a manipulációhoz angolul.
to take advantage of a position to make oneself rich, particularly by using unfair or dishonest methods
to gain advantage over others by making use of one's contacts and influence in an unfair way
to avoid doing something bad or unethical for the sake of achieving something good
to try to impress someone using insincere praise for personal gain
to use various dishonest or complicated methods in order to gain things, particularly in politics or business
to be placed in a difficult position by believing something that is not true or trusting someone who lies
to secretly offer someone money or anything of high value in order to persuade them to help one or do what one desires
a lawyer who finds clients at the scenes of accidents or other tragedies, especially with the intention of earning money through legal action

mentőügyvéd, baleseti ügyvéd

to do something unfair in order to make a particular outcome more probable
to make use of a thief or criminal just to be able to anticipate, understand, or capture other criminals or thieves
to arrange situations or conditions to achieve a preferred result by giving oneself an unfair advantage
to manipulate or control someone easily, typically by making them obediently follow one's commands or desires
to use someone else's idea, plan, words, etc. in order to prevent them from reaching success or getting attention
to engage in activities or behaviors that involve deception, manipulation, or deceit in order to achieve a particular outcome, often at the expense of others