식재료 - 소스, 드레싱 및 조미료
여기서는 "머스타드", "그레이비", "처트니"와 같은 다양한 소스, 드레싱, 조미료의 이름을 영어로 배우게 됩니다.
a sauce made with tomatoes, garlic, onion, vinegar, etc. that is usually served with barbecued food

바베큐 소스, 바비큐 소스

a savory condiment with a rich, dark color, typically made from a combination of ingredients like tomatoes, vinegar, and spices

갈색 소스, 다크 소스

a condiment typically used to enhance the flavor of steak, often made with a combination of savory and tangy ingredients

스테이크 소스, 고기 소스

a cold sauce made from tomatoes, which has a thick texture and is served with some food


a creamy condiment typically made with mayonnaise, pickles, and various seasonings, often served with seafood

타르타르 소스

a mixture of oil, vinegar, and seasonings, commonly used as a salad dressing

비네그레트, 드레싱

a type of flavorful liquid or reduction made with wine as a primary ingredient

와인 소스, 포도주 소스

a spicy and flavorful condiment made from chili peppers, vinegar, and various seasonings

칠리 소스, 매운 소스

a type of sauce made with garlic, oil, lemon juice, and salt, used to add flavor to meat, fish, or vegetables

마늘 소스, 갈릭 소스

a thick white dressing made with egg yolks, vegetable oil, and vinegar, served cold


a savory and flavorful condiment made with mushrooms and other ingredients

버섯 소스, 버섯 소스

a pale yellow dressing similar to mayonnaise that is served with sandwiches, salads, etc.

샐러드 크림, 샐러드 소스

a savory jelly made from meat or fish stock used to set ingredients in a solidified form


a sweet vinegar with dark color that is aged in barrels, originally from Italy

발사믹 식초, 단 식초

a combination of either pickles, vegetables, spices, and herbs, that is used as condiment

차트니, 양념

a flavorful mixture used to enhance the taste of salads and other dishesavor

드레싱, 샐러드 드레싱

a tangy and slightly sweet salad dressing made with a combination of vinegar, oil, ketchup, and various seasonings

프렌치 드레싱, 프랑스 드레싱

a dish consisting of a mixture of mashed avocado, onions, chilies, tomatoes, etc., originated in Mexico


a sauce made with egg yolks, butter, and lemon juice or vinegar, often served with vegetables

홀랜다이즈 소스

a cold sauce made with mayonnaise, minced onions, vinegar, chili sauce, etc., usually served with seafood or salads

썰렁한 섬 드레싱, 천섬 드레싱

a popular dressing or dip made with buttermilk, garlic, herbs, and other flavors, used for salads, vegetables, and snacks

랜치 드레싱, 랜치

a pasta sauce that is made with basil, olive oil, garlic and pine nuts to which grated parmesan is also added


a mixtures of oil, spices, vinegar or wine in which food, especially meat or fish, is left to become softer or be flavored before cooking


a very hot and spicy sauce made with red chili peppers, originally made in Portugal

피리피리 소스, 피리피리 마리네이드

a spicy sauce made with peanuts served with an Indonesian or Malaysian food of the same name

사태 소스, 땅콩 소스

a thick sauce made with butter and egg yolks, seasoned with shallots, tarragon and vinegar

베르네즈 소스

an Italian sauce that is made with chopped bacon, grated parmesan cheese and eggs, served with pasta


a thick cream that is made by gradually heating whole milk until lumps of cream rise to the top, originally made in the UK

걸쭉한 크림, 점액 크림

an Italian sauce consisting of tomatoes, onions, garlics, herbs and seasonings, served with pasta

마리나라 소스

a velvety sauce that is based on béchamel with grated gruyere or parmesan cheese

몬레 소스, 몬레 소스

a cold yellow or brown condiment with a hot taste taken from the seeds of a small plant with yellow flowers


a mixture of ingredients that is typically added to salads or other dishes to enhance their flavor and texture

샐러드 드레싱, 샐러드 소스

a tangy and savory condiment made from anchovies, vinegar, and various spices, originally made in Worcester, England

우스터 소스, 우스터 소스

a type of rich and hearty Italian sauce made with ground meat, tomatoes, and aromatic herbs

볼로네즈 소스, 고기 소스

a tomato-based sauce commonly used as a topping for spaghetti and other pasta dishes

스파게티 소스, 토마토 소스 스파게티용

a flavorful condiment typically used to enhance the taste of tacos and other Mexican dishes

타코 소스, 타코용 소스

a tangy and creamy condiment typically made with mayonnaise, mustard, pickles, and herbs

레무라드 소스

a rich and complex Mexican sauce made with chili peppers, chocolate, nuts, and various spices

몰레, 몰레 소스

a concentrated stock made from fish bones, shells, or seafood trimmings with vegetables and herbs used for flavoring sauces, soups, and stews

퓌메, 어육 국물