Bereiding van Eten en Drinken - Kookmethoden met droge hitte
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met kookmethoden op droge hitte, zoals "roast", "sear" en "broil".
to cook food, usually in an oven, without any extra fat or liquid

bakken, in de oven zetten

a baking technique where a pastry crust is partially or fully baked before adding the filling

blindbakken, voorbakken

to grill food over fire, adding flavor with marinades or spices

barbecuen, grillen

to cook food directly over or under high heat, typically on a metal tray

grillen, barbecueën

a chemical reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars that results in the browning and flavor development of food when heated

Maillardreactie, Maillardreactie (bruiningsreactie)

to cook something, especially meat, over a fire or in an oven for an extended period

braden, roosteren

to quickly cook the surface of food at high heat to develop a crust or color

aanbraden, grillen

to cook food, especially meat or fish, under or over direct heat

grillen, roosteren

to cook food, typically chicken, in a manner that it is first marinated, coated in flour, and then pressure-cooked

marineren en bakken, drukbakken

to cook or heat something until it turns a golden or darker color

bruineren, aanbraden

to heat sugar or other foods until it becomes a golden brown color and develops a rich flavor and aroma

karameliseren, verhitten van suiker

to grill food on a hot grill or open flame to achieve a charred or smoky flavor and a distinctive grilled texture

grillen, roosteren

to cook food, typically nuts, seeds, or spices, in a dry skillet or pan without the addition of any oil or fat

droogroosteren, roosteren zonder olie

to cook food on a traditional Japanese grill, usually involving grilling, searing, or cooking over high heat

hibachi, bereiden op een hibachi

to heat or cook something, especially food, in a microwave

in de magnetron verwarmen, in de magnetron koken

to cook food, especially meat or fish, at a very high temperature

grillen, koken op hoge temperatuur

to make something crunchy by removing moisture, often through cooking or baking

krokant maken, droog en krokant maken

to cook food on a flat, heated surface, often without the use of additional oil or fat, until it is cooked to desired doneness

grillen, bereiden op een griddle

to heat or cook food rapidly using a microwave oven

opwarmen in de magnetron, koken in de magnetron

to cook food in hot oil or fat until it bursts open or becomes crispy, such as popcorn

knappen, popcorn maken

to split and flatten a poultry or game bird for cooking

openvouwen, plat maken