Listă de Cuvinte Nivel C1 - Scriere și narațiune
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză despre scriere și narațiune, cum ar fi „anexă”, „notă de subsol”, „inspirație”, etc., pregătite pentru cursanții C1.
Fișe de studiu
the page at the front of a book that the names of the book, its author, and publisher are printed on it

pagina de titlu, foaia de titlu

a separate part at the end of a book that gives further information

apendice, anexă

an extra piece of information that is placed at the bottom of a printed page

notă de subsol, notă

the events that have happened to a character before their story in a book, movie, etc. begins

poveste anterioară, istoria de fundal

the way in which characters in a movie, book, etc. are created and represented by a writer

caracterizare, descriere

the way of telling or explaining a story, particularly in a movie, novel, etc.

narațiune, povestire

a way of telling or writing a story in which things happen to the narrator and the story revolves around them

narațiune la persoana întâi, perspectivă la persoana întâi

an unexpected turn in the course of events

răsturnare neașteptată, schimbare surprinzătoare

the process of mental stimulation that causes someone to have a new idea or emotion, or to do or create something artistic

inspirație, inspirații

to write a book, article, bill, etc. with another author

a coautoriza, a scrie împreună

a series of cartoons in boxes that narrate a story

bandă desenată, comic strip

a small book with a paper cover giving information about a particular subject

broșură, pliante

a book with a cover made from stiff material such as cardboard, leather, etc.

carte cu copertă din carton, copertă rigidă

a book with a cover that is made of thick paper

carte cu coperta moale, carte tip paperback

someone who writes plays for the TV, radio, or theater

dramaturg, autor de piese de teatru

someone who writes plays for the TV, radio, or theater

dramaturg, scriitor de piese

attractive and interesting in a way that draws one's attention

atractiv, interesant

arousing interest and curiosity due to being strange or mysterious

intrigant, fascinant

using statements that mean the opposite of what is stated, often to convey criticism or humor through an implied second meaning

ironic, sarcastic

a set of three movies, books, etc. that are related or have the same characters


a book, movie, play, etc. that continues and extends the story of an earlier one

continuare, sequel

a sentence from a speech, book, etc. that is repeated somewhere else because it is wise or interesting

citat, fragment

a mode of storytelling where the narrator refers to characters using pronouns like "he" and "she" and is not a character in the story

narrativ la persoana a treia, narațiune la persoana a treia