
Danh Sách Từ Vựng Trình Độ C1 - Viết và kể chuyện

Tại đây các bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh về viết và kể chuyện như “appendix”, “footnote”, “inspiration”, v.v… chuẩn bị cho người học C1.


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CEFR C1 Vocabulary
title page

the page at the front of a book that the names of the book, its author, and publisher are printed on it

trang tựa sách

trang tựa sách

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a separate part at the end of a book that gives further information

phụ lục sách

phụ lục sách

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an extra piece of information that is placed at the bottom of a printed page

ghi chú phần cuối

ghi chú phần cuối

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the events that have happened to a character before their story in a book, movie, etc. begins

cốt truyện

cốt truyện

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the way in which characters in a movie, book, etc. are created and represented by a writer

sự biểu thị đặc tính

sự biểu thị đặc tính

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the way of telling or explaining a story, particularly in a movie, novel, etc.

bài ký thuật

bài ký thuật

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the first-person

a way of telling or writing a story in which things happen to the narrator and the story revolves around them

người kể chuyện đầu tiên

người kể chuyện đầu tiên

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an unexpected turn in the course of events

cốt truyện xoắn

cốt truyện xoắn

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the process of mental stimulation that causes someone to have a new idea or emotion, or to do or create something artistic

hút không khí

hút không khí

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to co-author

to write a book, article, bill, etc. with another author

đồng tác giả

đồng tác giả

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to compose

to write a literary piece with a lot of consideration

viết cái gì đó

viết cái gì đó

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to jot down

to make a note of something in a hurried and informal style

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to proofread

to read and correct the mistakes of a written or printed text

đọc thử

đọc thử

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to script

to write the words used in a movie, play, etc.

kịch bản

kịch bản

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the story of the life of a person, written by the same person

tự truyện

tự truyện

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comic strip

a series of cartoons in boxes that narrate a story

truyện tranh

truyện tranh

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a short story on morality with animal characters

truyện ngắn về các con vật

truyện ngắn về các con vật

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a small book with a paper cover giving information about a particular subject

bài luận ngắn

bài luận ngắn

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a book with a cover made from stiff material such as cardboard, leather, etc.

vật bao ở ngoài

vật bao ở ngoài

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a book with a cover that is made of thick paper

loại sách rẻ tiền

loại sách rẻ tiền

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spoken or written language in its usual form, in contrast to poetry

văn xuôi

văn xuôi

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someone who writes plays for the TV, radio, or theater

nhà soạn kịch

nhà soạn kịch

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someone who writes plays for the TV, radio, or theater

nhà soạn kịch

nhà soạn kịch

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attractive and interesting in a way that draws one's attention

hấp dẫn

hấp dẫn

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[Tính từ]

exciting and intriguing in a way that attracts someone's attention

Thu hút

Thu hút

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(of a literary work) very serious or hard to understand

kích thích tư duy

kích thích tư duy

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arousing interest and curiosity due to being strange or mysterious

hấp dẫn

hấp dẫn

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using statements that mean the opposite of what is stated, often to convey criticism or humor through an implied second meaning

mỉa mai

mỉa mai

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(of a literary piece) related to or characteristic of tragedy

bi kịch

bi kịch

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the practice of using symbols to signify an idea, object, etc.

biểu tượng

biểu tượng

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a set of three movies, books, etc. that are related or have the same characters

bộ sách ba đoạn tiếp nhau

bộ sách ba đoạn tiếp nhau

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a book, movie, play, etc. that continues and extends the story of an earlier one

phần tiếp theo (phim, sách, v.v.)

phần tiếp theo (phim, sách, v.v.)

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a sentence from a speech, book, etc. that is repeated somewhere else because it is wise or interesting

trích dẫn

trích dẫn

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a novel or movie about love

chuyện giả dối

chuyện giả dối

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third-person narrative

a mode of storytelling where the narrator refers to characters using pronouns like "he" and "she" and is not a character in the story

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true crime

a movie or book genre involving real crimes and real people

câu chuyện tội phạm có thật

câu chuyện tội phạm có thật

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