Arkitektur och Byggande - Slående verktyg och spikar
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till slående verktyg och spik som "hammer", "klubba" och "drift punch".
a versatile hand tool with a flat striking surface on one side used for driving nails into various materials, and a curved, V-shaped claw on the other side used for removing nails or prying objects apart

klorhammark, klor-hammare

a type of hammer with a rounded striking surface opposite the flat striking surface, commonly used for shaping metal, setting rivets, or striking punches in metalworking applications

kulhammare, bollar hammer

a hammer-like tool with a large wooden or rubber head used for striking or directing objects

klubba, träklubba

a large tool consisted of a long handle with a heavy metal block at its end, used with both hands to break a stone, etc.

slägga, storsläggan

a hammer-like tool with a rubber or soft plastic head, used for tasks that require a gentle but firm striking force, such as assembling furniture, tapping delicate surfaces, or working with materials that should not be damaged by a metal hammer

gummihammare, mjukt hammare

a hammer with a hollow head filled with material, designed to reduce rebound and deliver non-damaging strikes

dödhammare, hammare med ihålig huvud

a heavy-duty hammer with a long handle, a large striking face, and a curved claw on the back, specifically designed for tasks related to framing and carpentry, such as driving large nails, framing structures, and removing nails

ramhammare, snickarhammer

a type of hammer with a wedge-shaped peen (the end opposite the striking face), oriented perpendicular to the handle, commonly used for tasks such as shaping metal, forging, or starting and setting nails

tvärstagshammare, korspinnhammer

a small hammer with a magnetized face for holding and driving small nails (tacks), commonly used in upholstery work or tasks that involve precise nail placement

tackhamare, liten hammare

a specialized hammer with a chisel-like striking face on one side and a blunt, square face on the other side, specifically designed for tasks involving working with bricks

tegelhamar, murarmetall

a tool used in welding to remove slag and spatter from welded joints and clean the surface, featuring a pointed end and a chisel or flat end for chipping and cleaning purposes

svetsklubba, svetsverktyg

a small strong pointy metal that is inserted into walls or wooden objects using a hammer to hang things from or fasten them together

spik, skruv

a strong and large nail with a flat, broad head, commonly used in framing and construction projects

ramspik, byggspik

a small nail with a discreet head, commonly used for finishing and trim work in woodworking projects

avslutande spik, finspik

a thin, small-gauge nail designed for delicate woodworking tasks such as attaching trim, moldings, or other lightweight materials

bradspik, tunspik

a large nail with a wide, flat head and a rubber or neoprene washer, used for securing roofing materials to the roof surface

takspik, spik för tak

a type of nail specifically designed for fastening materials to concrete or masonry surfaces

betongspik, spik för betong

a hardened steel nail designed for fastening materials to masonry surfaces like concrete or brick

murskrue, murskruv

a nail with a textured, ring-like pattern along the shank, offering increased holding power and resistance to withdrawal

ringnagel, nagel med ringar

a nail with two heads, designed for temporary or removable fastening purposes

duplexspik, spik med dubbla huvuden

a large-headed nail used for securing roofing materials to wood surfaces

större spik, takspik

a type of nail specifically designed for securing panels, such as plywood or particle board, to wooden frames or studs

panelspik, spik för paneler

a small nail with a decorative head used for attaching upholstery fabric to furniture frames

klädd spik, dekorspik

a type of nail made by cutting or shaping a solid piece of steel, often used in carpentry and woodworking

skuren spik, klippad spik

a small nail with a flat, wide head, used to temporarily attach lightweight materials to a surface

knappnål, spik

a nail with helical threads along the shank, offering increased holding power and stability when driven into materials

skruvspik, skruvnagel

a sturdy metal tool with a pointed end used to drive or remove pins, bolts, or other fasteners

driftstans, stansverktyg

a type of nail specifically designed for attaching siding materials, such as vinyl, wood, or fiber cement, to exterior walls or other surfaces

siding spik, klädselspik

a specialized nail with ridges along its shank, used for joining wood pieces together

vågig spik, ribbspik

a small, slender pin used for attaching lightweight materials to surfaces

sköldspik, sköldnål

a specialized nail designed for securing carpets or rugs to floors

mattnagel, nagel för matta

a type of nail specifically designed for fastening flooring materials, such as hardwood, engineered wood, or laminate, to subflooring or underlayment

golvnail, golvspik

a machine or tool used for making holes in paper or other material

hålslagare, punch

a striking tool used to create small, controlled indentations or marks on a workpiece to serve as reference points for drilling or other operations

centerstans, centrumpunktsverktyg

a striking tool used to forcefully remove pins, rivets, or similar fasteners from a workpiece by striking it with a hammer or mallet

stående stift, stiftur