
Ăn, Uống và Phục Vụ Thức Ăn - Dinh duong cua con nguoi

Tại đây bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh liên quan đến dinh dưỡng của con người như "protein", "chất chống oxy hóa" và "glycogen".


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Words Related to Eating, Drinking, and Serving

a substance, such as vitamin E, that helps clean the body of harmful substances

chất chống oxy hóa

chất chống oxy hóa

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a natural chemical compound produced by plants, often possessing health-promoting properties

chất thực vật

chất thực vật

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a substance that consists of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon that provide heat and energy for the body, found in foods such as bread, pasta, fruits, etc.

hóa chất cac bon

hóa chất cac bon

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amino acid

any organic compound that creates the basic structure of proteins

axit amin

axit amin

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a substance found in food such as meat, eggs, seeds, etc. which is an essential part of the diet and keeps the body strong and healthy

chất hóa học

chất hóa học

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fatty acid

a type of acid that is found in nuts, fish, some fruits, etc.

chất béo

chất béo

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any of a class of organic substances that do not dissolve in water that include many natural oils, waxes, and steroids

chất béo

chất béo

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nucleic acid

a complex organic substance present in living cells, especially DNA or RNA, responsible for carrying genetic information

axit nucleic

axit nucleic

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a substance taken from animals or plants and then processed so that it can be used in cooking

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a type of carbohydrate that cannot be broken down by the body and instead helps regulate bowel movements and maintain a healthy digestive system

người khoác lác

người khoác lác

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a solid and natural substance that is not produced in the body of living beings but its intake is necessary to remain healthy

khoáng vật

khoáng vật

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the field of science that studies food and drink and their effects on the human body

đồ ăn bổ dưỡng

đồ ăn bổ dưỡng

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very important or necessary for a particular purpose or situation

thiết yếu

thiết yếu

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natural substances that are found in food, which the body needs in small amounts to remain healthy, such as vitamin A, B, etc.



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a liquid with no smell, taste, or color, that falls from the sky as rain, and is used for washing, cooking, drinking, etc.



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a simple sugar molecule, the most basic form of carbohydrates that cannot be further hydrolyzed

đường đơn

đường đơn

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a basic kind of sugar that is a component of carbohydrates and provides energy for many living organisms

đường nho

đường nho

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a natural sugar found in fruits and honey, often used to sweeten foods and drinks

đường fructose

đường fructose

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a sugar found in milk and some plants that helps make lactose



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a complex carbohydrate composed of multiple sugar molecules linked together, commonly found in foods like starch and glycogen



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a white carbohydrate food substance that exists in flour, potatoes, rice, etc.

bộ điệu không tự nhiên

bộ điệu không tự nhiên

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a type of fat present in the blood and common in foods, consisting of three fatty acid molecules attached to a glycerol molecule

chất béo trung tính

chất béo trung tính

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a simple alcohol compound that is a component of triglycerides, commonly found in fats and oils

hóa cam du

hóa cam du

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a type of sugar composed of two simple sugar molecules, commonly found in foods such as sucrose, lactose, and maltose



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a type of sugar, commonly known as table sugar, composed of glucose and fructose molecules linked together

đường sucrose

đường sucrose

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a sugar found in milk, consisting of glucose and galactose molecules linked together



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a sugar formed by two glucose molecules linked together, commonly found in malted foods and used in brewing

mal tôt

mal tôt

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a complex carbohydrate that serves as a storage form of energy in the liver and muscles, made up of glucose molecules linked together



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saturated fatty acid

a type of fat molecule that contains no double bonds between carbon atoms and is typically solid at room temperature

axit béo bão hòa

axit béo bão hòa

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unsaturated fatty acid

a type of fat that contains one or more double bonds in its chemical structure and is considered healthier for the body

axit béo không bão hòa

axit béo không bão hòa

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a group of fatty acids found in fish or other seafood, which is considered very good for the body



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a good fat found in vegetable oils and seeds that our body needs for various functions



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trans fatty acid

a type of unsaturated fat that is created when oil becomes solid after being chemically processed, a process such as the making of margarine

axit béo chuyển hóa

axit béo chuyển hóa

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polyunsaturated fatty acid

a good kind of fat in certain oils and foods, with more than one healthy link in its structure

axit béo không bão hòa đa

axit béo không bão hòa đa

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unable to be dissolved, especially in a liquid

không tan

không tan

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(of a substance) able to break up and disperse within a fluid

hòa tan

hòa tan

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a substance found in the cell walls of plants, providing structure and making up dietary fiber

cel lu lôt

cel lu lôt

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a type of carbohydrate consisting of a small number of sugar molecules joined together



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a substance that all living organisms produce that brings about a chemical reaction without being altered itself

chất en zym

chất en zym

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a soft silver-white metal that is an important element in bones and teeth

hóa chất cal ci

hóa chất cal ci

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a chemical element that is a bluish-white gas, used for disinfecting water, maintaining pool hygiene, and as an active sanitizing agent in household cleaners

lục khí

lục khí

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a chemical element that is a shiny gray solid, crucial for muscle and nerve function, found in green leafy vegetables and nuts

hóa chất mỹ

hóa chất mỹ

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a chemical element that is a vital component of DNA and bone structure, found in dairy products, meat, and nuts, playing a key role in cellular energy transfer

phốt pho

phốt pho

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a chemical element that is crucial for fluid balance, nerve signals, and muscle contractions, commonly found in bananas, potatoes, and leafy greens

kim loại láng và trắng

kim loại láng và trắng

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a chemical element, vital for fluid balance and nerve impulses, commonly found in table salt and processed foods

chất hóa học

chất hóa học

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a metallic chemical element that has a red-brown color, primarily used as a conductor in wiring

cảnh sát viên

cảnh sát viên

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a purple-black chemical element essential for thyroid hormone synthesis, crucial for metabolism and overall growth that can be found in the seawater



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a metallic chemical element with a silvery-gray appearance, widely used for making tools, steel, buildings, and various industrial products



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a mineral essential for human nutrition, playing a role in enzyme activation and bone formation

chất mãnh

chất mãnh

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a silvery-gray metal that helps human being with breaking down proteins, alcohol, drugs, and toxins, also used for enhancing the high-strength steels

thủy diên

thủy diên

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chemical element that is used in photography, photovoltaic cells, etc., is also crucial for the body in certain amounts

chất sê len

chất sê len

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a bluish-white metal essential for immune function and wound healing, also widely used in covering steel and preventing it from rusting and corroding



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vitamin D

a fat-soluble vitamin crucial for human nutrition, essential for calcium absorption, bone health, and immune system support

vitamin D

vitamin D

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vitamin C

a water-soluble vitamin essential for human nutrition, known for its antioxidant properties, supporting immune function, and collagen production

vitamin C

vitamin C

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vitamin A

a fat-soluble vitamin essential for human nutrition, crucial for vision, immune function, and skin health

vitamin A

vitamin A

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vitamin B1

a water-soluble vitamin essential for human nutrition, crucial for energy metabolism and nerve function

vitamin B1

vitamin B1

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vitamin B2

a water-soluble vitamin essential for human nutrition, crucial for overall well-being and vitality

vitamin B2

vitamin B2

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vitamin B12

a water-soluble vitamin crucial for human nutrition, essential for nerve function, DNA synthesis, and red blood cell formation

vitamin B12

vitamin B12

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vitamin E

a fat-soluble vitamin that helps protect human body cells from damage

vitamin E

vitamin E

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vitamin K

a fat-soluble vitamin essential for blood clotting and bone metabolism

vitamin K

vitamin K

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a protein in blood plasma that helps regulate fluid balance, maintain blood pressure, and transport various substances throughout the body

chất đản bạch

chất đản bạch

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ascorbic acid

a vitamin that helps keep the body cells healthy and supports the immune system, commonly found in fruits like orange and vegetables like tomatoes

axit ascorbic

axit ascorbic

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a substance present in coffee or tea that makes one's brain more active

cà phê tinh

cà phê tinh

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a substance that helps mix and stabilize immiscible liquids, such as oil and water, to create a uniform and stable emulsion

chất nhũ hóa

chất nhũ hóa

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folic acid

a vitamin that helps our bodies make DNA and divide cells, often found in supplements and enriched foods

axít folic

axít folic

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a mixture of proteins found in wheat and other cereal grains, responsible for the elastic texture of dough

hồ nấu

hồ nấu

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monosodium glutamate

a flavor enhancer often used in foods to make them taste better, commonly found in savory snacks, soups, and restaurant dishes

bột ngọt

bột ngọt

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a water-soluble vitamin essential for various bodily functions, including energy metabolism and maintaining skin, digestive, and nervous system health



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sodium bicarbonate

a white soluble compound (NaHCO3) commonly known as baking soda, is used in cooking and serves as a remedy for stomach upset

natri bicarbonate

natri bicarbonate

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a natural compound in plants, like grapes and tea, that gives astringency to foods and drinks

chất tanin

chất tanin

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a water-soluble vitamin essential for energy metabolism and proper functioning of the nervous system



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vitamin B6

a nutrient that helps the brain, nerves, and immune system work properly

vitamin b6

vitamin b6

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a B-vitamin that helps the body convert food into energy and is important for healthy skin, hair, and nails



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pantothenic acid

a B-vitamin that helps the body convert food into energy and is important for the synthesis of hormones and cholesterol

axit pantothenic

axit pantothenic

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