Neúspěch - Chyby a špatný výkon
Zjistěte, jak anglické idiomy jako „více děr než švýcarský sýr“ a „uklouznutí jazyka“ souvisí s chybami a špatnými výkony v angličtině.
to perform a task or activity very poorly, resulting in a negative outcome
used to say that someone has accepted the responsibility or blame for something and will not pass it to someone else
to be inadequately prepared for a conflict or challenging situation
used to say that something or someone has many flaws, problems, or gaps that make it incomplete or unreliable
a major mistake or error, often made by someone in power, that leads to catastrophic consequences

himalájské faux pas, obrovská chyba himálaje

a reckless action that may result in serious consequences or failure

špatný krok, falešný čin

used to refer to a situation where individuals or groups unknowingly support or participate in something that will ultimately bring harm or negative consequences to themselves