
Literatura - Obsah knihy

Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s obsahem knihy, jako je „acknowledgment“, „blurb“ a „epilogue“.









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a section of a book or academic paper where the author expresses gratitude towards individuals or organizations who contributed to their work

uznání, poděkování

uznání, poděkování

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a section of additional material that is usually added at the end of a book

dodatek, příloha

dodatek, příloha

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a part at the end of a book including some final words that may not be written by the author

doslov, epilog

doslov, epilog

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a separate part at the end of a book that gives further information

příloha, dodatek

příloha, dodatek

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back cover

the outermost cover of a book that typically includes a brief summary or blurb of the book's content, as well as other promotional information

zadní obálka, zadní strana

zadní obálka, zadní strana

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back matter

the pages at the end of a book that come after the main text, such as the index, glossary, bibliography, and the author's biography

zadní část, přílohy

zadní část, přílohy

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a list of books and articles used by an author to support or reference their written work



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a short promotional description of a book, motion picture, etc. published on the cover of a book or in an advertisement

anotace, krátký popis

anotace, krátký popis

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the main portion of the book where the text and illustrations are presented, excluding the front matter and back matter

tělo, hlavní část

tělo, hlavní část

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book cover

the protective outer covering of a book, which usually includes the title, author, and artwork or design that reflects the content of the book

obal knihy, kniha oblečená

obal knihy, kniha oblečená

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a brief statement located typically at the end of a book, providing information on the publication aspects of the book

kolofon, publikační poznámka

kolofon, publikační poznámka

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copyright page

a page usually found at the beginning or end of a book that contains important legal and bibliographic information

stránka s autorskými právy, stránka copyrightu

stránka s autorskými právy, stránka copyrightu

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a list of errors or corrections in a printed work

corrigenda, opravy

corrigenda, opravy

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a statement that indicates to whom the book is dedicated, usually located in the front matter



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dust jacket

a removable paper or plastic cover that is wrapped around the outside of a hardcover book

obalka, kryt knihy

obalka, kryt knihy

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sheets of paper pasted onto the inner covers of a book and often used for decorative or informational purposes

přední papír, ozdobný papír

přední papír, ozdobný papír

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a short quotation or phrase that is written at the beginning of a book or any chapter of it, suggesting the theme

epigraf, citace

epigraf, citace

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a concluding part added at the end of a novel, play, etc.



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an error in a written or printed document

erratum, chyba

erratum, chyba

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a blank or decorated page that is glued to the inside front and back covers of a book, serving as a protective and decorative element

předsádka, ozdobná stránka

předsádka, ozdobná stránka

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fore-edge painting

a painting or illustration on the edges of the pages of a book that is visible when the book is closed or when the pages are fanned out

malba na ořezu, ilustrace na okraji

malba na ořezu, ilustrace na okraji

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a short introductory section at the beginning of a book, usually written by someone other than the author

předmluva, úvod

předmluva, úvod

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front cover

the first page that a reader sees, typically containing the book title, author's name, and cover art or design

přední obal, přední strana

přední obal, přední strana

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front matter

the introductory section of a book that comes before the main content, which may include a title page, copyright page, table of contents, preface, and introduction

předmluva, úvodní část

předmluva, úvodní část

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an illustration at the beginning of a book, on the page that is facing the title page

frontispis, ilustrace na začátku knihy

frontispis, ilustrace na začátku knihy

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a list of technical terms or jargons of a particular field or text, provided in alphabetical order with an explanation for each one

glosář, slovník

glosář, slovník

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a page in a book that only displays the title of the book without any other details

poloven titul, položka titulu

poloven titul, položka titulu

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a picture or drawing in a book, or other publication, particularly one that makes the understanding of something easier

ilustrace, obrázek

ilustrace, obrázek

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an alphabetical list of subjects, names, etc. along with the page numbers each of them occurs, coming at the end of a book

index, seznam

index, seznam

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a black or colored liquid used for drawing, writing, etc.



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a blank leaf inserted between two printed or written pages for various purposes such as annotation, correction, or additional content

mezi-list, interleaf

mezi-list, interleaf

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the part of a book or speech that provides a brief explanation of what it is about

úvod, preambule

úvod, preambule

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a sheet of printed material, especially a book, with a page on each side

list, strana

list, strana

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the blank space at the edge of a written or printed page



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one side or both sides of a sheet of paper in a newspaper, magazine, book, etc.



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the thin sheets on which one can write, draw, or print things, also used as wrapping material



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a writing material made from animal skin that has been scraped and dried to remove all hair, and which has been historically used for writing on



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extra information or reflections added at the end of a publication, like a book or article, after the main content

poznámka pod čarou, P.S.

poznámka pod čarou, P.S.

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an introductory piece written by the author of a book explaining its subject, scope, or aims



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the pages at the beginning of a book that come before the main text

prelimináře, úvodní stránky

prelimináře, úvodní stránky

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a preface or introductory section of a book or other written work that often sets the tone for the rest of the work

předmluva, úvod

předmluva, úvod

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an introduction or a preliminary discussion that comes before a larger work, usually dealing with the principles, assumptions, or methodology of the main work

prolegomenon, úvodní diskuse

prolegomenon, úvodní diskuse

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red text or decorations used to indicate headings, important passages, or instructions for the manuscript's production

rubrika, červený text

rubrika, červený text

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running head

a short title or phrase that is printed at the top of each page of a book or document

běžný titulek, hlavička

běžný titulek, hlavička

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a protective box or cover that holds a book or a set of books

pouzdro, obal

pouzdro, obal

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table of contents

a list of the sections, chapters, or other parts of a book or document, organized in the order in which they appear

obsah, seznam obsahu

obsah, seznam obsahu

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the bottom edge of the book's pages or the lower part of the book's spine

ocas, dolní část hřbetu

ocas, dolní část hřbetu

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title page

the page at the front of a book that the names of the book, its author, and publisher are printed on it

titulní stránka, titulní list

titulní stránka, titulní list

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a detachable cover or paper surrounding a book or magazine

obal, pouzdro

obal, pouzdro

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