Dificultad - Tareas difíciles
Descubra cómo modismos en inglés como "es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo" y "morder la bala" se relacionan con las tareas difíciles en inglés.
Tarjetas de memoria
hard nut (to crack)
someone or something that is difficult to understand, deal with, or overcome
to have one's work cut out for somebody
used to say that something is very difficult and one will need to put a lot of effort into doing it

tener trabajo por delante
here goes nothing
used to express a sense of uncertainty or nervousness before attempting something
to take some beating
to be very successful that demands a lot of hard work in order to be outdone or surpassed
tall order
a very difficult or unreasonable request

petición difícil, solicitud irrazonable


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