Verbos de Acción Verbal - Verbos para anuncios
Aquí aprenderá algunos verbos en inglés que se refieren a anuncios como "state", "declare" y "affirm".
Tarjetas de memoria
to confidently share one's thoughts or feelings without any hesitation

expresar su opinión
to publicly support a particular idea, principle, course of action, etc.

preconizar, promover

to use specific words to express an idea, message, thought, etc. in a particular manner

expresar, formular

to say something again using different words or structure while keeping the original meaning

reformular, parafrasear

to express something verbally and openly, especially a feeling, opinion, etc.

to strongly and sincerely state that a particular statement or belief is true

to state something again, often to emphasize its importance or to show a strong commitment

reafirmar, confirmar de nuevo

to draw special attention to something or to emphasize its importance

destacar, subrayar