Vocabulario para IELTS (Básico) - Lenguaje y Gramática
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés sobre lenguaje y gramática, como "article", "determiner", "abbreviation", etc. que se necesitan para el examen IELTS.
Tarjetas de memoria
(grammar) the voice in which the subject is the agent that does the action of the verb
voz activa
(grammar) a word or phrase that adds more information to another word in sense of time, manner, degree or cause
locución adverbial
the symbol ' used in writing to show possession or omission of letters or numbers
(grammar) any type of determiner that shows whether we are referring to a particular thing or a general example of something
a verb that is used with other verbs to indicate tense, voice, etc., such as do, have, and be
verbo auxiliar
(grammar) a group of words that contains a subject and a verb and functions as a unit within a sentence
(grammar) a word such as and, because, but, and or that connects phrases, sentences, or words
a short form of a word or a group of words used instead of the full form
(grammar) a word coming before a noun or noun phrase to specify its denotation
the symbol ! that marks an interjection, which is a word or phrase indicating surprise, anger, excitement, etc.
signo de exclamación
(grammar) a verb or verb phrase that expresses an order to do something
(phonetics) the rising and falling of the voice when speaking
(grammar) a verb without a direct object
verbo intransitivo
(grammar) a verb that needs a direct object
verbo transitivo
(grammar) any of the grammatical classes that words are categorized into, based on their usage in a sentence
categoría gramatical
(in grammar) the form of a verb used when the grammatical subject is affected by the action of the verb, rather than performing it
voz pasiva
the symbol . used to mark the end of a sentence or an abbreviation
(grammar) a letter or a set of letters that are added to the beginning of a word to alter its meaning and make a new word
(grammar) a letter or a set of letters that are added to the end of a word to alter its meaning and make a new word
(grammar) describing a word that indicates that the action of the verb affects the agent performing it
(grammar) referring to a noun, clause or sentence that has come before
to say the exact sentence or group of words someone else used in a movie, book, etc.
(grammar) the name of a place, person, country, etc. with its first letter capitalized
nombre propio
(grammar) a noun that refers to an object or a concept of a class but not to a particular one
nombre común
either of the symbols " " or ' ' used before and after a word or words to indicate the beginning and the end of a title or quoted remark, or to mark a jargon
(grammar) a noun or noun phrase that is affected by the action of the verb, or is followed by a preposition
(grammar) a noun that denotes a general quality or an idea, rather than a physical object or real world event
nombre abstracto
an emphasis given to a particular syllable of a word, part of a sentence, or note in a set of musical notes