افعال عبارتی با استفاده از 'Out' - تأیید، درک یا آشکارسازی
املای کلمه
to accept a new way of thinking or set of principles into one's life
از دیدگاه جدیدی به زندگی نگریستن
to confirm a statement or claim by providing evidence
یک ادعا را با ارائه شواهد و مدارک تایید کردن
to forcefully or persistently extract information or a response from someone
از کسی حرف کشیدن
to reveal something through persistent investigation
حقیقت چیزی را کشف کردن
to get information about something after actively trying to do so
پی بردن, خبردار شدن
to disclose secret or classified information that was meant to be kept concealed
فاش شدن
to unintentionally reveal a piece of information while engaged in conversation
از دهان پریدن
to expose something or someone, typically thorough investigation
(از طریق تحقیق) به چیزی پی بردن
to attempt to learn someone's opinions and intentions through subtle or indirect questioning or conversation
به قصد کسی پی بردن
to inform an authority about the wrongdoings or crimes of others
زیراب زدن, لو دادن، آدمفروشی کردن