
食べ物と飲み物の準備 - 湿熱調理法










Words Related to Food and Drink Preparation
to baste

to pour fat, juices, or other liquid over the surface of food, such as meat or vegetables, while it is cooking

塗る, ダシをかける

塗る, ダシをかける

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to boil

to cook food in very hot water

沸かす, 茹でる

沸かす, 茹でる

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to blanch

to briefly immerse food in boiling water, often followed by rapid cooling, to preserve color, remove skin, or prepare for freezing

ブランチ, 茹でる

ブランチ, 茹でる

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to braise

to cook food at a low temperature with a small amount of liquid in a closed container

煮込む, ブレイズ

煮込む, ブレイズ

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to coddle

to cook something gently in water just below boiling point

卵をゆでる, 低温調理する

卵をゆでる, 低温調理する

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to infuse

to soak something in liquid in order to get the flavor of it

浸す, 注入する

浸す, 注入する

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to poach

to cook food, especially fish, in a small amount of boiling water or another liquid

ポーチする, 煮る

ポーチする, 煮る

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to pressure-cook

to prepare food by cooking it in a sealed pot under high pressure

圧力鍋で調理する, 圧力調理する

圧力鍋で調理する, 圧力調理する

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to simmer

to cook something at a temperature just below boiling, allowing it to bubble gently

煮る, 軽く煮る

煮る, 軽く煮る

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to steam

to cook using the steam of boiling water

蒸す, スチーム調理する

蒸す, スチーム調理する

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to steep

to soak or immerse something in a liquid to extract flavors

浸す, 漬け込む

浸す, 漬け込む

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to stew

to cook something at a low temperature in liquid in a closed container

煮る, シチューにする

煮る, シチューにする

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al dente

(of food, particularly pasta) cooked just enough to still have a firm texture when bitten into, without being overly soft or mushy

アルデンテ, 歯ごたえのある

アルデンテ, 歯ごたえのある

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a container of hot water used for slow cooking or keeping food warm

湯煎, バン・マリー

湯煎, バン・マリー

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red cooking

a Chinese cooking technique that involves simmering meat in a flavored liquid until it becomes tender and develops a rich red color

赤煮, 赤調理法

赤煮, 赤調理法

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a cooking technique that involves slow cooking meat in fat at a low temperature, resulting in tender and flavorful meat



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to jug

to cook something slowly in a large, cylindrical container made from clay, over low heat

じっくり煮る, 弱火で調理する

じっくり煮る, 弱火で調理する

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to reduce

to simmer a liquid until it thickens and intensifies in flavor through evaporation

煮詰める, 濃縮する

煮詰める, 濃縮する

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to render

to subject animal fat to heat, causing it to liquefy and allowing impurities to separate

脂肪を溶かす, レンダリングする

脂肪を溶かす, レンダリングする

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to boil down

to cook something slowly until there is only a small amount of liquid left

煮詰める, 煮る

煮詰める, 煮る

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to clarify

to make a liquid clear or pure by removing suspended matter or impurities

澄ます, 純化する

澄ます, 純化する

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to parboil

to partly boil food, especially vegetables

ブランシェ, 部分的に茹でる

ブランシェ, 部分的に茹でる

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to scald

to heat a liquid, especially milk or water until it boils or gets close to that degree

熱する, 沸騰させる

熱する, 沸騰させる

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to water down

to make something less strong by adding water to it

薄める, 弱める

薄める, 弱める

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