자연 과학 SAT - 지리학과 해양학
여기서는 "alpine", "glacier", "boreal" 등과 같은 지리 및 해양학과 관련된 영어 단어를 배우게 되며 SAT에서 최고 점수를 획득하는 데 필요합니다.
a person who studies the Earth's landscapes, climates, populations, and their relationships to human activities and the environment
a scientist who studies and predicts weather conditions by analyzing atmospheric patterns, utilizing tools such as weather models, instruments, and data to provide forecasts and weather-related information
the atmospheric layer above the troposphere, where temperature generally increases with altitude and the ozone layer is situated
related to the detailed mapping or description of the physical features and landscape of a particular area
지형의, 물리적 특징과 관련된
the distance of a point north or south of the equator that is measured in degrees
related to regions or climates located in the northern latitudes of the Earth, characterized by cold temperatures and typically dominated by coniferous forests
a large, unbroken expanse of land, like a continent or a big island, standing out from smaller land features
대지, 대륙
related to areas or phenomena located around the poles of the Earth, particularly within the Arctic and Antarctic circles
a large mass of ice that forms over long periods of time, especially in polar regions or high mountains
related to the science of measuring and understanding the Earth's shape, size, gravitational field, and the precise locations of points on its surface
지구측량의, 지오데틱
across the ocean or sea, referring to travel or transport to foreign countries or distant lands
해외에서, 바다를 넘어
remote and sparsely populated inland regions of Australia, typically characterized by arid landscapes and minimal human habitation
아웃백, 오지
the elevated regions or mountainous areas that are higher than the surrounding terrain, often characterized by cooler temperatures and diverse ecosystems
고지대, 산악지대
a period of intense air pollution characterized by high levels of a mixture of pollutants
스모그 사건, 공기 오염 사건
a scientist specializing in the study of oceans, focusing on their physical properties, marine life, ecosystems, and interactions with the atmosphere and land
relating to the upper layer of the oceanic zone, extending from the surface to a depth of about 200 meters
relating to the middle layer of the oceanic zone, extending from a depth of about 200 meters to about 1000 meters
중층 해역의, 메조펠라직에 관련된
relating to the deep layer of the oceanic zone, extending from a depth of about 1000 meters to about 4000 meters below the surface
a lake, either natural or artificial, from which water is supplied to houses
저수지, 저장소
related to areas or ecosystems situated along the banks of rivers, streams, or other water bodies
수변의, 하천의
the vertical column of water in a body of water, such as an ocean, sea, lake, or river, extending from the surface to the bottom
수주, 물기둥
the coastal regions or areas adjacent to the sea or ocean, often characterized by economic activities such as shipping, fishing, and tourism
해안선, 연안
related to the zone between the high and low tide marks on the shore, where marine organisms are adapted to alternating periods of exposure to air and water
간조의, 조수의
a monitoring station located along a coastline or in a body of water that measures and records tidal data
조수 관측소, 조류 측정소
related to ocean zones where no sunlight penetrates, typically below 200 meters deep, supporting organisms adapted to darkness
무광의, 무광대