Tussenwerpsels - Interjecties van onverschilligheid en onwetendheid
Deze tussenwerpsels worden gebruikt wanneer de spreker niet geïnteresseerd is in of bezorgd is over het onderwerp van de discussie, of geen informatie heeft over een kwestie.
used to convey indifference, lack of enthusiasm, or mild disappointment towards something
Tsja, Nou ja
used to indicate passive acceptance or compliance with someone else's preference, choice, or decision
Hoe jij wilt., Zoals je wilt.
used to convey uninterested compliance, agreement, or deference to someone else's desire or preference
Zoals je wilt., Zoals je het wilt.
used to express indifference, dismissiveness, or lack of concern
En?, Dus wat?
used to convey indifference, resignation, or a lack of concern regarding a particular issue
Wat maakt het uit?, Wat doet het ertoe?
used to convey indifference, defiance, or dismissal towards something that has been said or proposed
En wat dan nog?, Wat maakt het uit?
used to convey defiance, sarcasm, or a lack of concern about a minor disagreement or criticism
verklag me, zet me aan
used to express dismissal, indifference, or a lack of interest in the topic being discussed
Wat dan ook., Het maakt me niet uit.
used to express dismissal, boredom, or disinterest in what someone is saying
bla, bla
used to express boredom, weariness, or a lack of enthusiasm
hm, nou
used to sarcastically or dismissively comment on something perceived as unimpressive or uninteresting
Wauw, dat is niet echt indrukwekkend.
used to sarcastically or dismissively comment on something perceived as unremarkable or inconsequential
En?, Wat een grote zaak!
used to express sarcasm, indifference, or a lack of enthusiasm regarding something that is perceived as unimpressive or insignificant
En wat dan?, Nou en?
used sarcastically or dismissively to comment on something perceived as unremarkable, trivial, or inconsequential
nou en of, oh echt?
used sarcastically or mockingly to comment on someone's perceived pretentiousness, snobbery, or self-importance
oh la la, nou
used to indicate that something is obvious or known already, often in a sarcastic or humorous way
Natuurlijk, Duh
used to express a lack of understanding or knowledge about a particular subject or situation
Geen idee, Ik heb geen flauw idee
used to express complete lack of knowledge or understanding about a particular topic, question, or situation
Geen idee, Ik heb geen idee
used to indicate that the speaker does not have the answer to a question and deflect a question back to the person who asked it
Jij vertelt het me, ik weet niet wat de beste aanpak is.
used to convey uncertainty or lack of knowledge regarding a particular situation or question
Niet dat ik weet., Voor zover ik weet niet.