
Kỹ Năng Từ Vựng SAT 2 - Bài học 34


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SAT Word Skills 2
to dissect

to carefully cut apart the body or one of its parts to display internal structures for scientific examination or instruction

giải phẩu

giải phẩu

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[Động từ]

the act of cutting apart or separation of tissues, organs, etc. during anatomical study or investigation

cắt ra từng khúc

cắt ra từng khúc

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[Danh từ]

(astronomy) a secondary circular orbit embedded within a primary circular orbit

ngoại luân

ngoại luân

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a curve created by tracing the path of a point on a small rolling circle as it revolves around the edge of a larger circle

ngoại hải tuyến

ngoại hải tuyến

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to contuse

to cause a bruise or injury to the body, typically by blunt force or impact

làm có vết bầm

làm có vết bầm

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an injury that leaves a bruise and causes extreme pain but does not break the skin tissue

sự đụng giập

sự đụng giập

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to superintend

to oversee or manage a process or operation, especially in an administrative or executive role

trông nom

trông nom

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[Động từ]

of the highest or best kind possible within a field or industry

tốt nhất

tốt nhất

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[Tính từ]

over and above what is required or expected


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[Tính từ]
to supersede

to take something or someone's position or place, particularly due to being more effective or up-to-date

bỏ qua một bên

bỏ qua một bên

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to supervene

to occur as an additional or unexpected development following something else

xảy đến

xảy đến

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to accord

to grant permission or approval for someone to possess or have something

ban cho

ban cho

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relating to or occurring once every hundred years

trăm năm

trăm năm

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[Tính từ]

a professional soldier in the Roman army who commanded 100 men

đội trưởng

đội trưởng

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the collective body or masses of people inhabiting a particular locality or jurisdiction

đại chúng

đại chúng

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having a large number of inhabitants relative to its size or area

đông dân

đông dân

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[Tính từ]

the number of people who live in a particular city or country

sự ở một nơi

sự ở một nơi

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a metric unit equal to 1/100th of a liter



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