
تحضير الطعام والشراب - حفظ الأغذية

هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بحفظ الأغذية مثل "المخلل"، و"الثلاجة"، و"المجففة".




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Words Related to Food and Drink Preparation
to bottle

to place or seal something, typically a liquid, into a container, usually made of glass or plastic known as a bottle

تعبئة زجاجة, إغلاق زجاجة

تعبئة زجاجة, إغلاق زجاجة

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to can

to preserve food by sealing it in an airtight container, typically made of metal, through sterilization and vacuum sealing

تعليب, تغليف

تعليب, تغليف

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to cure

to preserve or flavor food by treating it with salt, sugar, or spices

تحضير, تمليح

تحضير, تمليح

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to dehydrate

to remove moisture from something, such as food, to preserve it for longer storage

إزالة الرطوبة, تجفيف

إزالة الرطوبة, تجفيف

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to dry

to remove moisture from something, such as food or flowers, to preserve it, typically by exposing them to air, heat, or both

تجفيف, جفف

تجفيف, جفف

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to flash-freeze

to rapidly lower the temperature of something, usually food, to preserve it or maintain its freshness

تجميد سريع, تجميد بالإسراع

تجميد سريع, تجميد بالإسراع

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to freeze

to cause something to become solid or turn into ice by reducing its temperature

تجميد, تجمد

تجميد, تجمد

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to irradiate

to expose something to radiation or light



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to pack

to place or store items within a container or packaging to protect them from damage, breakage, or contamination

تعبئة, تغليف

تعبئة, تغليف

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to pickle

to preserve or flavor food by soaking it in a vinegar or salt water solution

تخليل, حفظ

تخليل, حفظ

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to pot

to gently cook the food in a liquid or fat until it becomes tender and easily flaked or shredded

يُطهى, يُسلق

يُطهى, يُسلق

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to preserve

to prevent food from spoiling, typically by canning or pickling

يحفظ, يخزن

يحفظ, يخزن

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to process

to treat or handle something in a specific way to get it ready for a particular purpose, improve its condition, or fix any issues

معالجة, معالجة (أو التعامل مع)

معالجة, معالجة (أو التعامل مع)

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to quick-freeze

to rapidly lower the temperature of something to maintain its freshness or quality

التجميد السريع, تجميد سريع

التجميد السريع, تجميد سريع

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to refrigerate

to put food or drinks in a refrigerator or other cold place to keep them cool or fresh

تبريد, وضع في الثلاجة

تبريد, وضع في الثلاجة

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to smoke

to preserve food by exposing it to smoke from burning wood or other materials

يدخن, يدخن الطعام

يدخن, يدخن الطعام

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(of food) preserved and stored in a sealed container, typically made of metal

معلب, محفوظ

معلب, محفوظ

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having had the natural moisture removed for preservation or storage purposes

مُجفَّف, مُعَطَّر

مُجفَّف, مُعَطَّر

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treated or preserved by removing moisture

مجفف, مُعالج

مجفف, مُعالج

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having had moisture removed, usually for the purpose of preservation

مجفف, مُجَفَّف

مجفف, مُجَفَّف

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preserved by low temperatures and dehydration under vacuum

مجفف بالتجميد, مصنوع بالتجميد

مجفف بالتجميد, مصنوع بالتجميد

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(of food) kept at a very low temperature to preserve freshness

مجمد, بارد

مجمد, بارد

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(of food) having been preserved in a solution of vinegar or salt water

مخلل, مُعَصَّر

مخلل, مُعَصَّر

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preserved and stored in glass or metal containers to maintain quality and flavor over time

محفوظ, موضبطة

محفوظ, موضبطة

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(of food) preserved and sold in a can

معلب, معلب من الطعام

معلب, معلب من الطعام

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(of food) preserved by having the air removed from a package or container, creating a vacuum seal

معبأ بالفراغ, محفوظ تحت الفراغ

معبأ بالفراغ, محفوظ تحت الفراغ

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thin, flexible sheet made of aluminum, used for wrapping and preserving food

ورق ألمنيوم, فويل

ورق ألمنيوم, فويل

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silver paper

a thin, shiny, metallic or aluminum foil-like paper that is commonly used for wrapping or covering food items

ورق فضي, رقائق الألمنيوم

ورق فضي, رقائق الألمنيوم

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a durable plastic material used for packaging, bags, and various applications

بولي إيثيلين

بولي إيثيلين

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plastic wrap

a transparent material made of plastic which is used for wrapping food with or covering it

غلاف بلاستيكي, فيلم بلاستيكي

غلاف بلاستيكي, فيلم بلاستيكي

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greaseproof paper

a type of paper that grease or oil cannot pass through, used in cooking or for wrapping food with

ورق مقاوم للدهون, ورق غير نفاذ للزيوت

ورق مقاوم للدهون, ورق غير نفاذ للزيوت

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thin, flexible metal sheet used for wrapping, covering, or cooking food

ورق الألمنيوم, الفويل

ورق الألمنيوم, الفويل

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cling film

a thin, flexible plastic wrap used for covering food to maintain its freshness

غلاف بلاستيكي, فيلم لاصق

غلاف بلاستيكي, فيلم لاصق

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a thin, transparent material used for packaging and wrapping items like food, gifts, and flowers



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expiration date

the final date on which a product, document, or agreement is considered valid, effective, or safe to use

aluminum foil

thin, flexible sheet made of aluminum, commonly used for wrapping, cooking, and storing food

ورق الألمنيوم, ألمنيوم فويل

ورق الألمنيوم, ألمنيوم فويل

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(of food, especially fruits) coated with sugar or syrup, often resulting in a sweet, crystallized exterior

مُحلى, مُسكر

مُحلى, مُسكر

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