Pozemní Doprava - Železniční personál
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s železničním personálem, jako je „dirigent“, „portér“ a „agent stanice“.
a person responsible for collecting fares and assisting passengers on public transportation such as buses, trains, or trams
pokladní, řidič
a member of a train crew responsible for assisting with various tasks aboard the train
člen vlakového osazenstva, vlakový pracovník
a person responsible for operating signals and ensuring safe movement of trains
signalista, operátor signálu
a person who operates and maintains signal equipment along railway lines
signalista, operátor signálů
someone whose job is carrying people's baggage, particularly at airports, hotels, etc.
porter, nosič
a porter at a railway station who assists passengers with luggage
nosič, porter
an employee responsible for managing operations and assisting passengers at a railway station
agent na nádraží, zaměstnanec nádraží
a railway worker responsible for checking the condition of train wheels using a special hammer
kontrolor kol, klepač kol
a railroad employee responsible for operating switches to direct trains onto different tracks
výhybkář, pohybový pracovník
a railroad employee responsible for overseeing the operations of a specific train or group of trains
vedoucí vlaku, dispečer vlaku
a person responsible for controlling train movements and schedules
dispečer vlaků, ředitel vlakového provozu
a worker who was in charge of keeping the fire burning in the steam engine of steam locomotives
topič, strojvedoucí
a railroad employee responsible for managing operations within a railroad yard
šéf vlakového nádraží, vedoucí skladiště
a person who drives and operates a railway train
strojvedoucí, řidič vlaku
a person who ensures that train signals are functioning properly and safely
údržbář signálů, technik signalizace