Βιβλίο English File - Προχωρημένο - Μάθημα 3Β
Εδώ θα βρείτε το λεξιλόγιο από το Μάθημα 3Β στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων English File Advanced, όπως "overthrow", "survivor", "declare" κ.λπ.
relating to a person who is not a member of the military or police force and does not hold an official position in the government
a person who is forced to leave their own country because of war, natural disaster, etc.
an individual who shoots at their targets from a concealed and, usually, far place
someone or something that stays alive or continues to exist, particularly after nearly dying or an unpleasant event
a temporary peace during a battle or war when discussions regarding permanent peace is taking place
an organized action, usually violent, against an authority, attempting to bring about a change
the act of surrounding the enemy, a town, etc. and cutting off their supplies so that they would surrender
to free oneself from a place that one is being held against their will, such as a prison
(of military) to move away in order to escape the danger because one has been defeated or is weak
a component of ammunition that is loaded into a firearm, including a casing or a hull, gunpowder, a primer, and a projectile
using a word, phrase, etc. not for its ordinary meaning, but for the idea or symbol that it represents or suggests
the fundamental change of power, government, etc. in a country by people, particularly involving violence