Vida Cotidiana - Beber y fumar
Explore modismos en inglés relacionados con fumar y beber con ejemplos como "lung dart" y "drink like a fish".
Tarjetas de memoria
having consumed an excessive amount of alcohol and hence unable to think or act normally
incapable of acting or thinking like a normal person would, due to having consumed an excessive amount of alcohol
someone who is not in any way affected by chemical substances or alcoholic drinks

totalmente sobrio, persona sobria

to make someone become so drunk that they have no control over their thoughts or actions whatsoever
an alcoholic drink consumed to cure a headache that comes after excessive drinking
used to refer to a cigarette, often to highlight the health risks associated with smoking

uña de ataúd

used to refer to a cigarette, often due to the well-known health risks associated with smoking

palo de cáncer, cigarrillo

used for referring to a cigarette, often implying the harmful effects of smoking on one's lungs

cigarrillo, pucho

the strength or confidence that is obtained from drinking an excessive amount of alcoholic drinks

coraje de la botella, valentía embriagada

to start drinking an excessive amount of alcohol, particularly on regular basis