Sentimientos - Vergüenza y vergüenza
Explore modismos en inglés sobre la vergüenza y la vergüenza con ejemplos como "eat humilde pie" y "red in the face".
Tarjetas de memoria
to avoid doing or saying something that would embarrass someone
evitando la vergüenza de alguien
to behave in a very foolish and embarrassing way in the presence of others
comportarse tontamente delante de los demás
used to wish that one could disappear or not have existed at all so as not to have to tolerate such embarrassment
se dice cuando uno se ha avergonzado mucho
turning red in the face out of embarrassment
cuando la cara de una persona se pone roja debido a la vergüenza
used to describe someone who is extremely red in the face due to embarrassment
volviéndose muy avergonzado
to have no choice but to do something that is embarrassing in one's standards
ignorando el orgullo
to do or say something that leads to someone's embarrassment
hacer que alguien se sienta muy avergonzado
a situation in which one is badly embarrassed because of what one did or said
situación vergonzosa
to regret or feel bad about what one has said earlier
arrepentirse de las palabras o acciones de uno
to admit one's mistakes or accept a humiliating situation or defeat
admitir los propios errores