
Pokročilá Slovní Zásoba pro TOEFL - Zábavní průmysl

Zde se dozvíte některá anglická slovíčka o zábavním průmyslu, jako je „cameo“, „closeup“, „backlot“ atd., která jsou potřebná ke zkoušce TOEFL.









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(particularly of a novel, motion picture, etc.) commercially successful in terms of sales and reception

komerčně úspěšný, velmi úspěšný

komerčně úspěšný, velmi úspěšný

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ad lib

a line that is recited in a speech or performance without prior preparation

improvizace, nepřipravená replika

improvizace, nepřipravená replika

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a minor role that is played by a well-known actor

cameo, vedlejší role

cameo, vedlejší role

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an ending to an episode of a series that keeps the audience in suspense

napětí, otevřený konec

napětí, otevřený konec

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a detailed and tightly framed photograph or film shot of a subject at close range

detail, blízký záběr

detail, blízký záběr

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a speech that a character in a dramatic play gives in the form of a monologue as a series of inner reflections spoken out loud



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the interval between two acts of a theatrical performance

přestávka, mezipřestávka

přestávka, mezipřestávka

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a short pause between parts of a play, movie, etc.

přestávka, pauza

přestávka, pauza

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the last section of a literary or dramatic piece where the plot is concluded and all the matters of the work is explained



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green room

a room in a theater, a studio, etc. in which performers can relax while not performing

zelená místnost, zákulisí

zelená místnost, zákulisí

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an outdoor area in a movie studio, where large exterior sets are constructed and some scenes are shot

plac na venkovní scénu, zázemí pro natáčení

plac na venkovní scénu, zázemí pro natáčení

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a low-budget motion picture that is considered to be of low quality

béčko, B-movie

béčko, B-movie

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a cylindrical metal container that is used for storing a roll of film

kapsle, válec

kapsle, válec

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a device used in moviemaking that consists of a hinged board, the parts of which are hit together as the shooting of a scene begins to make sure the sound and the picture are synchronized

klapka, klipeček

klapka, klipeček

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a low platform on wheels that is used for carrying a TV or movie camera

dolly, vozík

dolly, vozík

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a series of still images on a film, through which light is shone in order to be projected on a screen

filmový pásek, snímkový pásek

filmový pásek, snímkový pásek

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the art and methods of film-making, especially the photographic aspect and camerawork

kinematografie, filmová fotografie

kinematografie, filmová fotografie

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a technique or process of selecting, editing, and pasting separate footage in order to create a motion picture



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coup de theatre

a drama, show, etc. that achieves success

coup de théâtre, nečekaný úspěch

coup de théâtre, nečekaný úspěch

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comedy of manners

a comic play, movie, book, etc. that portrays the behaviors of a particular social class, satirizing them

komedie mravů, komedie společenských zvyklostí

komedie mravů, komedie společenských zvyklostí

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a comic movie or play that depicts unlikely or silly situations by the use of buffoonery

farce, komedie

farce, komedie

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a comedy with deliberate clumsiness and humorously embarrassing events

komedie se slapstickem, slapsticková komedie

komedie se slapstickem, slapsticková komedie

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a type of comic theatrical production combining pantomime, dance, singing, etc. popular in the 1800s and early 1900s



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film noir

a type of movie involving crime including shadowy footage and dark background music that depicted cynical characters caught in dangerous situations

film noir, temný film

film noir, temný film

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a musical or dramatic performance that takes place in daytime, especially in the afternoon

matiné, odpolední představení

matiné, odpolední představení

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a play that is written in order to be staged only by two actors

hra pro dva herce, duo na jevišti

hra pro dva herce, duo na jevišti

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a story, play, movie, etc. about a mystery or murder that the audience cannot solve until the end

detektivka, mysteriózní příběh

detektivka, mysteriózní příběh

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the organization of a movie or TV show in a way that the actions and details are consistent in a series of following scenes



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a woman who is making a public appearance for the first time, especially in movies or sports

debutantka, nováček

debutantka, nováček

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an actor who practices the lines of another actor in order to replace them if necessary

střídající herec, náhradník

střídající herec, náhradník

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a scene in a story line that interrupts the chronological order and takes the narrative back in time

flashback, vzpomínka

flashback, vzpomínka

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fourth wall

an imaginary barrier that separates the mise en scene and the fictional characters from the audience, especially in a theatrical performance

čtvrtá zeď, čtvrtá bariéra

čtvrtá zeď, čtvrtá bariéra

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a set of related movies or novels that portray the same character or characters in different settings and situations

franšíza, série

franšíza, série

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computer-generated imagery

the use of computer software to create special visual effects in a movie, commercial, etc.

počítačová grafika, obrázky generované počítačem

počítačová grafika, obrázky generované počítačem

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an enthusiastic expression of approval by the audience, typically through clapping

ovace, potlesk

ovace, potlesk

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