Λίστα Λέξεων Επιπέδου B2 - Grammar
Εδώ θα μάθετε μερικές αγγλικές λέξεις σχετικά με τη γραμματική, όπως "πληθυντικός", "πρόθεση", "πρόθεμα" κ.λπ. προετοιμασμένες για μαθητές Β2.
(grammar) any type of determiner that shows whether we are referring to a particular thing or a general example of something
a verb that is used with other verbs to indicate tense, voice, etc., such as do, have, and be
(grammar) a word such as and, because, but, and or that connects phrases, sentences, or words
(grammar) a word that comes before a noun or pronoun to indicate location, direction, time, manner, or the relationship between two objects
(grammar) the name of a place, person, country, etc. with its first letter capitalized
(grammar) a word that can replace a noun or noun phrase, such as she, it, they, etc.
(grammar) a letter or a set of letters that are added to the beginning of a word to alter its meaning and make a new word
(grammar) a letter or a set of letters that are added to the end of a word to alter its meaning and make a new word
(grammar) describing adverbs or adjectives that indicate a difference in degree, quality, size, etc.
(grammar) describing words that are indicating the presence of more than one person or thing
(grammar) describing words that are indicating the presence of only one person or thing
(grammar) a verb that is used with the main verb of a sentence to indicate possibility, intention, etc., such as can, might, should, etc.
(grammar) describing a sentence, clause, etc. that will only be true or happen if something else is true or happens
a form of a verb that "ed", etc. is added to the end of it which is used to form passive or present tenses or adjectives
(phonetics) a speech sound produced by interfering with or stopping the flow of air through the mouth or nose
(phonetics) a speech sound produced without interfering with the flow of air coming through the mouth or nose
(grammar) a short question added to the end of a statement that is formed form the same statement
the use of marks such as a period, comma, etc. in writing to divide sentences and phrases to better convey meaning
the mark ! used after a sentence to indicate excitement, surprise, etc.